From the Worldwide Faith News archives
WCC - "Peace to the City" dancing in the United States
"Sheila Mesa" <>
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:12:13 +0200
World Council of Churches
Press Release, PR-01-23
For Immediate Use
13 July 2001
"Peace to the City" dancing in the United States
cf. WCC Press Release, PR-01-20, of 6 July 2001
cf. WCC Press Update, Up-01-04, of 27 March 2001
cf. WCC Press Feature, Feat-01-02, of 26 February 2001
cf. WCC Press Feature, Feat-00-12, of 21 August 2000
The dance production of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Peace to the City, is performing in church-related events in Denver, New York City and Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, over the next week.
The Peace to the City dance production, a contemporary chamber ballet produced in Rio de Janeiro, gives movement and voice to efforts of local groups around the world to build a culture of peace. Based on the WCC's 1997-98 Peace to the City campaign, the production is a contribution to the Council's Decade to Overcome Violence 2001-2010. The ballet evokes stories from the campaign and brings artistic expression to the worldwide struggle to overcome violence. It is performed by the Marcia Milhazes Dança Contemporânea, Trio Aquarius and soprano Juliana Franco.
The dance production is being featured by the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) - Division for Global Mission as part of a programme of "Global Mission Events" presented first at the Denver Marriot Tech Center, Colorado, from 12-15 July and again at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, from 19-22 July. The dance will be performed at 19.30 hours in Denver on 13 July and at the same time at Susquehanna University on 20 July.
The Peace to the City dance is also part of the programme of a 17 July International Rally to Stop Gun Trafficking and Save Lives, organized at the United Nations by non-governmental organizations during the UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects. The performance will take place at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza (47th and First Avenue, New York City) from 11:00-12:00 noon.
Peace to the City dance artistic credits:
General Conception and Executive Producer: Lusmarina Campos Garcia
Director, Choreographer, Costume Designer and Conception "The Birds": Marcia Milhazes
Composer "Three Woes and Seven Cities: A Song of Peace": Nestor de Hollanda Cavalcanti
Music Interpreters: Trio Aquarius: Flávio Augusto (piano), Ricardo Amado (violin), and Ricardo Santoro (cello)
Soprano: Juliana Franco
Dancers: Al Crispin, Ana Amélia Vianna, and Wagner Varela
Music Director: Marcelo Rodolfo
Lighting, Stage manager: Glauce Milhazes
Set Designer: Beatriz Milhazes
Costumes-Confection: Carmem Mattos
Technical support: Marcial Perez
The Peace to the City dance is sponsored by the World Council of Churches and photographs can be found on the WCC website:
Decade to Overcome Violence (2001-2010)
At the Eighth Assembly of the WCC in Harare, Zimbabwe, delegates representing more than 300 WCC member churches brought the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) into being. The Assembly declared that on issues of non-violence and reconciliation, the WCC should "work strategically with the churches... to create a culture of non-violence". The Decade, which was launched world-wide in February 2001, will build on already existing initiatives around the world, and offer a forum for sharing experiences and establishing relationships so as to learn from one another.
For further information, please contact Media Relations Office, tel.: (+41.22) 791.61.53
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of churches, now 342, in more than 100 countries in all continents from virtually all Christian traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is not a member church but works cooperatively with the WCC. The highest governing body is the assembly, which meets approximately every seven years. The WCC was formally inaugurated in 1948 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Its staff is headed by general secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church in Germany.
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