From the Worldwide Faith News archives
LCMS Elects Kieschnick as President
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:47:03 -0700
Contact: Bruce Kueck (314) 342-5715
Delegates elect Kieschnick 13th president of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
ST. LOUIS -- Delegates to the 61st regular convention of The Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) elected the Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick of
Round Rock, Texas, to his first three-year term as president of the 2.6
million-member church body.
Kieschnick, 58, was elected on the fourth ballot on Sunday, July 15, the
opening day of the convention, with 600 (50.8 percent) of the 1,182 votes
cast. On the final ballot with Kieschnick was the Rev. Dr. Dean O. Wenthe,
president of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., who received
582 votes, or 49.2 percent.
Other candidates for the presidency included the Rev. Dr. Raymond Hartwig,
St. Louis; the Rev. Dr. Donald Muchow, Austin, Texas; and the Rev. Daniel
Preus, St. Louis.
Kieschnick succeeds the Rev. Dr. Robert T. Kuhn, who has served as
president since March. Kuhn, who did not seek re-election, became president
after the death of the Rev. Dr. A.L. Barry, the church body's 11th president.
Kieschnick has served as president of the Synod s Texas District since
1991. He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary (then located in
Springfield, Ill., now in Fort Wayne, Ind.) and received an honorary doctor
of laws degree in 1996 from Concordia University, Austin, Texas.
In his remarks to delegates following his election, Kieschnick began with a
prayer that God would grant him "the gifts of strength, of sensitivity, of
humility, of boldness, of courage, of faithfulness of vision, as together
all of those involved in the ministry of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
might faithfully proclaim and tell the Good News of Jesus to the world in
which we live."
"It is a deep privilege and a hugely humbling honor to be standing before
you this day," Kieschnick told delegates. Acknowledging the other
candidates for president, he shared with them "a strong word of
appreciation, love, respect and thanks" and pledged "to work together with
[them] in the future, closely, for the glory of God and for the benefit and
growth of His kingdom and of His church."
Kieschnick told the story of a three-year-old boy who nearly drowned as he
held to an under-water dock post, waiting for his father to rescue him.
"There is a world of people out there -- 4 billion strong who do not know
the name of Jesus Christ," he said. "Those people are clinging to every
pillar and post they can find, falsely hoping that anything less than the
grace of God in Jesus Christ will provide meaning and value and permanence
in their lives. That world is waiting ... for the word of reconciliation,
for the word of hope, for the word of forgiveness, for the word of grace
provided alone by Jesus Christ our Lord."
Kieschnick and his wife, Terry, have two grown children. His installation,
and that of other LCMS officers elected during the church body s weeklong
convention, will take place in September.
Prior to becoming district president, Kieschnick was with the Lutheran
Foundation of Texas, first as director of development (1986-88) and then as
executive director (1988-91). He also has served as pastor of three LCMS
congregations, one in Mississippi and two in Texas.
He has been chairman of the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church
Relations since 1998.
Other positions held by Kieschnick in the Texas District include director
of public relations (1977-86), circuit counselor (1978-81) and member of
the district s Task Force on Campus Ministry (1982-83).
MEDIA PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs are available at
PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs of convention coverage are available at
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