From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Income for ELCA Congregations Tops $2.3 Billion in 2000
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 09:54:22 -0500
July 20, 2001
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Income for the 10,816 congregations of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in 2000 amounted to
$2,387,673,220, up $126,468,870 or 5.59 percent from 1999, as reported
in the annual tabulation of statistics from congregations, according to
the Rev. Lowell G. Almen, ELCA secretary.
Of total congregational receipts, $1,606,649,819 was received in
regular, unrestricted offerings, up 6.01 percent or $91,155,870. From
1998 to 1999, the increase in regular giving by members was 4.36
The growth in giving by members to congregations was significant
in 2000. The increase in income for congregations was substantially
greater than the reported expenditures.
Congregations in 2000 held more than $1,620,305,915 in savings and
investments, endowments, and memorial funds -- up $108,111,303 from
The average regular giving per confirmed member increased from
$474.66 in 1999 to $506.90, up 6.79 percent or an increase per confirmed
member of $32.24.
Total disbursements by ELCA congregations for local operating
expenses amounted to $1,498,994,534. That was an increase of
$80,911,454 or 5.70 percent over 1999.
Regular "mission support" -- monies passed from congregations to
the 65 synods and to the churchwide organization to support the national
and international ministries of this church -- increased 2.25 percent.
Actual "mission-support" funding for 2000 was $133,306,390, up
$2,937,337 from $130,369,053 in 1999.
"Specific Mission Support," formerly called Designated Gifts,
increased dramatically. An increase of 42.7 percent from $8,101,390 in
1999 to $11,561,014 in 2000 was reported.
"Vision for Mission," an annual special appeal of this church,
decreased 7.84 percent from a total of $419,570 in 1999 to $386,655 in
Contributions reported by congregations to the World Hunger Appeal
and Lutheran Disaster Response were down 14 percent in 2000. The actual
dollar amount reported by congregations for 2000 was $12,579,535. The
year 1999 was the 25th anniversary of the World Hunger Appeal.
Funding for missionary sponsorship grew 3.69 percent in 2000. The
actual figure for missionary sponsorship was reported at $5,880,345, up
$209,637. Mission Partners giving increased 14.57 percent in 2000 to
Synodically related "Special Benevolences" increased 4.54 percent
from $16,193,284 in 1999 to $16,929,729 in 2000. Money for community
benevolent causes was up 12 percent -- from $3,282,766 to $30,396,835 in
Congregations reported a 1.84-percent increase in other expenses,
up $1,685,541 to $92,889,855. Almost two-thirds -- 63.68 percent -- of
ELCA congregations reported that they had no debt in 2000.
The number of bequests received by congregations decreased 621 to
5,947 but amounted to $95,587,027, up 19.62 percent in 2000 from 1999.
Of the total income of ELCA congregations, 89.92 percent was
devoted to operating expenses, capital improvements, debt reduction, and
other expenses. Another 7.95 percent was contributed for synodical and
churchwide mission support, hunger and disaster appeals, missionary
sponsorship, Mission Partners, and designated causes. The remainder
supported synodical and local benevolences.
* The Rev. Lowell G. Almen is secretary of the ELCA.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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