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Kieschnick delivers formal acceptance as new president of Missouri Synod
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Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:58:29 -0700
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services
1333 S. Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
61st Regular Convention St. Louis, Mo. July 14-20, 2001
July 18, 2001 #29
Contact: Bruce Kueck (314) 342-5715
Kieschnick delivers formal acceptance as new president of Missouri Synod
ST. LOUIS Fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ was first in a
list of six "matters of importance" facing The Lutheran Church Missouri
Synod outlined Wednesday, July 18, by the 2.6 million-member church body s
The Rev. Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, who in September will become the 12th
man to lead the Missouri Synod, delivered his formal acceptance speech
Wednesday morning to the Synod s 61st Regular Convention at the America s
Center in downtown St. Louis. He was elected Sunday.
"Today is the day to begin to refocus our efforts on the mission that
Christ has given to His church on earth, and to do so with renewed vigor,
energy and passion," Kieschnick said of the Great Commission, in which
Jesus told His followers to make disciples of all nations.
Other important matters that Kieschnick said face the Synod in the years
ahead are:
Recruiting and training pastors, teachers and other church workers.
The "priesthood of all believers." "Our people have the intelligence, the
education, the financial resources, the dedication, the love for the Lord
and for His church necessary to move this church forward in unprecedented
fashion," he said.
Relationships among the Synod, its 35 districts and its 6,100-plus
congregations. Kieshnick was interrupted by applause when he said, "The
right question is not, What can congregations do for the district and
Synod? The right question is, What can the district and Synod do to support
and enhance the mission and ministry of each congregation? "
A stronger focus on God s grace. Saying that the Missouri Synod in some
quarters has a reputation as "a heavily Law-oriented church body,"
Kieschnick continued: "We must refocus our primary emphasis as an
evangelical, Gospel-focused church, one that values highly the grace of
Solidarity in the Synod, under Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.
Kieschnick said that the Synod deserves "to know my beliefs," so he
outlined many of them from full acceptance of the Scriptures and Lutheran
Confessions, to the inerrancy of the Bible, to very specific matters such
as creation of the world in six 24-hour days and the historicity of the flood.
He also said he believes in the importance of the Ten Commandments, "one of
which, the Eighth, is in frequent violation among us." The Eighth
Commandment prohibits "false witness" against others.
Kieschnick said that the Eighth Commandment, "along with Matthew 18, should
form the basis of our dealings with one another." Then, delegates rose in
sustained ovation after Kieschnick completed his comments on that
commandment: "I believe it is way past time for the less-than-charitable
and sometimes even harsh, inaccurate and untruthful voices among us to
cease and to desist. I pledge to do everything within the power of my
office to bring such activities to an end."
Kieschnick added words about the kind of man he seeks to be: "Basically
stated, I earnestly desire to be a man of God, of prayer, of strength, of
courage, of wisdom, of sensitivity, of fairness and of love. I need and
covet your support, your encouragement, your constructive words of advice
and counsel and, above all, your prayers."
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