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LCMS Resolutions Address Work with Homosexuals, Worship, Black Hymnal
Worldwide Faith News <>
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:39:24 -0700
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services
1333 S. Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
61st Regular Convention St. Louis, Mo. July 14-20, 2001
July 19, 2001 #44
Contact: Bruce Kueck (314) 342-5715
Convention resolutions address work with homosexuals, worship, black hymnal
ST. LOUIS -- The floor committee for Congregational Services finished here
Thursday, July 19, its work for the 61st Regular Convention of The Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod when delegates passed resolutions to:
minister to homosexuals and their families,
continue to foster discussion on worship, and
encourage "appropriate" evaluation of a black hymnal titled "This Far By
Ministry to homosexuals and their families "in a spirit of compassion and
humility" is the aim stated in the resolution which recommends that
congregations use "for study and a guide for pastoral care" a document
titled "A Plan for Ministry to Homosexuals and Their Families." A task
force appointed by the Synod president issued that plan in 1999 after it
was mandated by the Synod s 1992 convention.
The resolution points out that homosexuality is being promoted by "certain
groups in our society" as "an acceptable alternative lifestyle," that God s
Law "declares homosexual lust and activity to be sin," and that the Synod
"recognizes homophile behavior as intrinsically sinful," It lumps that
behavior with "all other sin" which God forgives through Christ.
Delegates solidly defeated a delegate s amendment that proposed stating
that a homosexual lifestyle is sinful, but that homosexual orientation is not.
"This is a theological issue, not a sociological consideration," Rev.
Herbert Mueller, chairman of the committee, told the convention.
The worship-discussion resolution continues talks aimed at consensus in
worship talks that started in the three years since the 1998 convention
called for them.
"We give thanks to God for the progress," states the resolution, which also
reminds congregational worship leaders that "worship practices in their
local setting have broader implications which affect other congregations &
and the church-at-large."
It also calls on Synod leaders, higher-education institutions and the LCMS
Commission on Worship to "find ways to foster discussion among groups with
diverse viewpoints" on worship, in line with the Synod s theology and practice.
The resolution about the new black hymnal explains that the Synod s Board
for Black Ministry Services and Commission on Worship cooperated with other
Lutheran groups in producing the hymnal, although some parts of it did not
pass the LCMS doctrinal-review process.
The hymnal "is treasured by many congregations because its collection of
hymns, folk songs, spirituals and cultural resources speaks in the language
of Black culture," notes the resolution. It also commends the Board for
Black Ministry for seeking to provide doctrinally pure worship materials.
Recalling that the late LCMS President A.L. Barry reported that "This Far
By Faith" has both useful and doctrinally questionable material, the
resolution encourages congregations to consider Barry s report and
Commission on Worship guidelines to evaluate the hymnal. It also asked the
commission "to use doctrinally pure materials" from the hymnal and other
hymn collections as resources for the new Synod hymnal it is preparing.
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