From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Final mission issues addressed by Missouri Synod in convention
Worldwide Faith News <>
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:52:31 -0700
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services
1333 S. Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
61st Regular Convention St. Louis, Mo. July 14-20, 2001
July 20, 2001 #50
Contact: Bruce Kueck (314) 342-5715
Final mission issues addressed by Missouri Synod in convention
ST. LOUIS Several mission resolutions were approved Thursday, July 19, by
the 61st Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which is
meeting here through today.
While not originally on the agenda for the day, the missions floor
committee was given time in the afternoon session of Thursday s business in
response to delegate request. Six resolutions were adopted by 90-plus
percent margins, including:
* to promote urban-mission partnerships;
* to utilize the gifts and talents of all LCMS members;
* to recognize the need for variety in mission outreach;
* to recognize and share the results of increased diversity within the
church body;
* to express appreciation for Dr. Glenn O Shoney, retiring national mission
executive; and
* to decline an overture regarding appropriation of mission dollars for
collaborative outreach.
Noting the growth of major metropolitan areas in the United States, the
first resolution directs the Board for Mission Services to continue
"operating under the principle" that North America is a mission field.
Partnerships are encouraged among urban and suburban congregations within
and between LCMS districts to "maximize mission outreach potential."
Pentecost 2000 -- a Synod-wide initiative to launch 1,000 new
cross-cultural ministries -- was affirmed for the next triennium. According
to mission representatives, 511 new ministries have been started.
The second adopted resolution encourages "special recruitment" to achieve
election and appointment of "substantially more" regional and national
leaders from diverse backgrounds." The LCMS president and Board of
Directors, as well as district presidents and boards of directors, are to
give priority attention to "barriers within the church structure to diverse
representation," implementing appropriate actions and encouraging the same
at the congregational level. An amendment to remove wording describing "the
makeup of most boards and commission of the LCMS and its regional entities
[as] primarily Caucasian and male" failed.
Delegates also resolved to "celebrate opportunities to minister to diverse
cultures" in the United States and abroad, acknowledging that doing so
requires varied approaches. The LCMS will "work together to minister to
people of these diverse cultures."
The convention then adopted a motion to pray for continued growth "as a
church of all nations," reflecting this increased diversity through
official publications and communications. Those vehicles are encouraged to
"report regularly ... what God has done through these exciting new ministries."
O Shoney, who will retire Nov. 1 after 12 years of service as the Synod s
top mission executive, was recognized for his long-time service to the
church as pastor, mission director and president of the Synod s Texas
District. Under O Shoney s direction, the Missouri Synod expanded its
overseas mission involvement from 43 countries in 1989 to 69 in 2000, and
experienced "remarkable growth" in the number of U.S. congregations,
particularly among new Americans "from other cultures and languages." He
also "expanded opportunities" for lay members to serve in long- and
short-term mission work in the U.S. and abroad.
Finally, an attempt to refer the overture regarding appropriation of
mission funds for collaborative efforts to the LCMS president s office
failed. According to the committee, it was "not feasible" to consider the
resolution at this convention.
The LCMS meets nationally in convention every three years.
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