From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Australian Anglicans Accept Women Bishops "in principle"
Worldwide Faith News <>
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:13:37 -0700
ACNS 2546 - AUSTRALIA - 24 July 2001
Bill accepted in principle at 12th General Synod of the Anglican Church of
The 12th General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia has accepted a
Bill in principle removing all the legal obstacles to the consecration of
women to the episcopate (women bishops).
In a secret ballot, the General Synod voted 135 "for" and 95 "against", with
two abstentions, on a motion to accept the Bill in principle. The move has
allowed the Bill to be debated in detail at the General Synod and a vote on
the final amended Bill is expected to be taken later tonight.
The motion was moved by Dr Muriel Porter, of Melbourne, and seconded by
Bishop of Bunbury, David McCall.
The result of any amendments and the final vote will be released once they
are known.
The women bishops Bill is the result of wide consultation throughout the
church by a working group formed following the last General Synod in
Adelaide in February 1998.
The Bill is modelled on the Law of the Church of England Clarification Canon
1992 - the church law which removed any possible legal obstacles to the
ordination of women as priests.
But it goes further, giving the General Synod the opportunity to recognise
that there are differences of opinion in the church as to whether a woman
can or should perform the duties of a bishop, but also recognises and
affirms the essential unity of the church under God within a tolerable
Importantly, the Bill includes a protocol relating to the provision of
episcopal (bishop) oversight and ministry for those unable to accept the
ministry of a female bishop.
The Bill states: "In any diocese in which a woman is appointed as bishop,
the bishop of the diocese must ensure that appropriate episcopal pastoral
oversight and ministry is provided for persons whose conscience precludes
them from accepting the ministry of a bishop who is a woman ... No member of
clergy or lay member of this church shall suffer any discrimination or
prejudice because he or she in conscience accepts female bishops, priests or
deacons or does not so accept them." (Sections 6.1, 8)
At a local level, parishes will be able to vote to have a bishop from
another region or diocese minister to them, if they wish to have episcopal
ministry by a bishop other than a female bishop.
As a "special Bill", it will require a two-thirds majority of the General
Synod at the final voting stage. If passed, it becomes a "provisional canon"
and must then be considered by each diocese. If, at the next General Synod
in 2004, the provisional canon is passed by two-thirds majority at the final
voting stage, it will become a "canon" and go back to dioceses to consider
and adopt or not adopt.
The General Synod may vote on the Bill as one body, but it may be the case
that a sufficient number of members (five bishops or 10 clergy or laity)
call for a vote by "Houses". This would mean the House of Bishops, House of
Clergy and House of Laity would vote separately, and to pass, the question
must pass each house.
There are 11 women bishops in the worldwide Anglican Communion, in New
Zealand, the United States and Canada.
On behalf of the Standing Committee of General Synod, two General Synod
members, Dr Muriel Porter, from Melbourne, and Dr Ann Young, from Sydney,
today gave a special presentation of two perspectives on the issue, followed
by questions of clarification and a small group discussion.
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