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Disciples of Christ Building accessibility fund ready to make loans
Worldwide Faith News <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 11:56:47 -0700
Date: August 21, 2001
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Curt Miller
on the Web:
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) - Church Extension of Disciples of Christ has
announced that a $500,000 accessibility loan fund goal has been surpassed
by more than $4,000. In making that announcement, Ellen L. Mitchell, vice
president for development, said that loans can now be made from the fund.
Started in 1997, the fund represents gifts received
by Church Extension for the purpose of providing low-interest loans for
capital projects involving the removal of physical barriers.
"We are elated that the $500,000 goal has been oversubscribed. Now the
donors to our accessibility loan fund can see the results of their gifts
with each low-interest rate loan that we make to churches," Mitchell said.
Although this level of giving has been reached, Church Extension
continues to make the accessibility loan fund a priority. "According to
AARP, there may be 70 million Americans age 65 and older by the year
2030. That is one of the reasons Church Extension created the
accessibility loan fund," said Mitchell. "We must act now to make our
facilities open and welcoming to all people."
Qualifying projects for the accessibility loans include: ramps and
accessible building entrances, elevators and accessible restrooms. Church
Extension staff consultants can provide more information to congregations
interested in obtaining an accessibility loan.
For more information on how to make an annual, memorial, named fund or
extenders fund gift to the accessibility loan fund, contact Ellen Mitchell
at 800-274-1883 or e-mail
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