From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Three Churches in Taiwan Join Environmental Protest Movement
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 12:45:40 -0700
Taiwan Church News, 2582 (26th August 2001)
Written by David Alexander
The Ta-cherng Environmental Services (solid waste management) company
managed to obtain a license to operate a medical waste incinerator in
Tainan City's Chong-tou Industrial Zone without notifying the chiefs or
residents of ten surrounding neighborhoods. Three hearings were held at
municipal and central government levels, but local residents were not
On May 22nd the incinerator began receiving medical waste for
disposal on a trial basis. Neighbors were unaware of the situation, but
did begin to notice noxious smells in their community, especially at
night. Two weeks ago they found out the source of the odor.
An-sun, Ho-sun and An-nan churches, congregations of the Presbyterian
Church in Taiwan, have joined with their neighbors in protest of the
assault on social justice and environment posed by the siting of the
incinerator in the area. The churches have organized a "Church and
Neighborhood Self Salvation Committee" to petition the government to
investigate the process by which the situation came about. On August
24th the church committee and other like groups from the affected
neighborhoods met together at An-sun church to commence planning for
formal protest. The churches stand with their neighbors of all faiths
against the degradation of the air and the environment.
For more information:
An-sun Presbyterian Church FAX 886 6 246 5814
Ho-sun Presbyterian Church FAX 886 6 356 1232
An-nan Presbyterian Church FAX 886 6 247 0050
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