From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Statement of ELCA Presiding Bishop on U.S. Military Action
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 14:40:31 -0500
October 7, 2001
The United States has begun its military response to the devastating
terrorist attacks against our country that occurred Sept. 11. We
have known since that day that a military response from this country
was likely. The president has also stated that this action is being
followed by humanitarian aid.
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) social
statement, "For Peace in God's World," we say that as Christians, the
love of our neighbor obligates us to act to prevent wars and seek
alternatives to them. However, we understand that under certain
circumstances, there may be no other way to offer protection to
innocent people except by use of military force. Now that we are
engaged in military action, we call on our leaders and military
forces to do all they can to protect civilians from harm. We urge
that diplomatic efforts continue in an effort to find peaceful
I offer prayers for the leaders of our country. May they be guided
by the Holy Spirit to make wise and appropriate decisions. I also
ask you to join me in offering prayers for the safety of all who are
in military service. Let us remember to hold their families and all
civilians in our thoughts as well. Above all, let us pray that
diplomatic means will soon replace military action in our efforts to
defeat terrorism.
Especially at this time, I encourage all of our congregations to be
a calming influence in our communities. Our congregations must be
places of peace and prayer. Christians should treat all people with
dignity and respect, including those who may have a different ethnic
background or religion. We must promote unity and discourage
As I reflect on the events this month, I recall these familiar words
in Paul's letter to the Philippians: "The peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
These are difficult times. Let us all pray for peace in our world.
The Rev. H. George Anderson
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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