From the Worldwide Faith News archives
New Korean-English hymnal, 'Come, Let Us Worship,' out soon
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:38:14 -0500
Oct. 15, 2001 News media contact: Thomas S.
McAnally7(615)742-54707Nashville, Tenn. 10-35-71B{468}
NOTE: This report is accompanied by a sidebar, UMNS story #469.
By the Rev. Sang Yean Cho*
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - Come, Let Us Worship, a new Korean-English hymnal,
will be released in mid-November by the United Methodist Publishing House.
The bilingual volume was produced under the direction of a joint committee
representing members of the United Methodist and Presbyterian (PCUSA)
churches. Editor is the Rev. Dal Joon Won, a Publishing House staff member.
Each denomination will have a version of the book with its own worship
resources, but the same hymns will be common to both.
The hymnal is expected to replace the Tongil Hymnal, used by most Korean
Protestant churches, Won said. It will include more recent hymns; help
congregations meet the needs of the first, "1.5" and second generations of
Korean-Americans; support bilingual worship; and provide a standard Korean
translation of the official rituals, he added.
The book will have four sections: liturgies, such as baptism and
confirmation, (pp. 1-58); 334 hymns (pp. 59-392); affirmations of faith and
acts of worship, including the Apostles' Creed, a statement of faith of the
Korean Methodist Church and 104 responsive readings, (pp. 393-537); and an
index (pp.538-590).
The committee began its work July 1, 1998, after the United Methodist
Publishing House and churchwide Board of Discipleship approved a development
plan and funding. The 2000 United Methodist General Conference approved the
plan and a list of contents.
After deliberation, evaluation and research, the committee assembled a broad
range of hymns from both old and new sources around the world, especially
Korea, according to Won. The committee worked hard to identify the needs,
concerns and preferences of local congregations so the new hymnal would be
balanced and targeted toward the needs of people in the pews, he said. The
committee chose 334 from 6,000 songs, translated nine liturgies from the
United Methodist Hymnal, and developed 104 responsive readings for use
throughout the Christian year and on special occasions.
The book may be ordered for $10.50 by calling (800) 672-1789, Ext. 6638, or
by going to online.
# # #
*Cho is editor of Korean resources at United Methodist Communications in
Nashville, Tenn.
United Methodist News Service
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