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GAC re-elects Kearns as NMD director
4 Feb 2002 10:43:09 -0500
Note #7044 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
GAC re-elects Kearns as NMD director
Council also approves covenant with military chaplains
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - The General Assembly Council (GAC) unanimously elected the Rev. Curtis A. Kearns Jr., to a third term as director of the National Ministries Division (NMD).
In recommending the Roanoke, VA, native for another four-year stint, the NMD committee credited Kearns with having a strong "vision" for NMD and the Presbyterian Church (USA), and for demonstrating keen theological insight and a solid commitment to Christ.
"He is a sound and sensible decision-maker who perceives and evaluates the impact of his decisions on other mission and administrative areas of the church," said Emily Wigger of Alton, IL, chair of the NMD committee. "He continually demonstrates outstanding skills in analyzing problems and encouraging appropriate action."
Kearns' election came on Feb. 1 during the GAC's winter meeting here. He was given a bouquet of red roses and a standing ovation.
Kearns, 57, became NMD's director in January 1994 after serving in management with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T).
"In eight years, I have been amazed to see the work of the Spirit in the tremendous commitment of Presbyterians to ministries of all types in the church and society," he said. "It is a privilege for me to represent the church in that effort."
Kearns was ordained in 1969 by the Presbytery of Southern Virginia of the former United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. He has a bachelor's degree from Johnson C. Smith University, in Charlotte, NC, and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary.
Over the years he has served the church in many capacities. He was on the Support Agency Board of the former UPCUSA, and he worked for years with Presbyterian Self-Development of People committees at presbytery, synod and national levels. He also has been on the board of directors of National Capital Presbytery.
Chaplains and Military Personnel
The GAC also approved a recommendation from the NMD committee that a covenant agreement be reached between the Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel (PCCMP). The PCCMP already has approved the covenant, which NMD officials said represents a milestone in the relationship between the organizations.
The agreement affirms the PC(USA)'s continued commitment to members who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and the chaplains who minister to them.
The GAC also approved a recommendation that it explore the possibility of recognizing military and Veterans Administration Hospital chaplains during opening worship at an upcoming General Assembly.
NMDC officers elected
NMDC also announced the elections of Thomas L. Hood, of St. Louis, MO, as its next chair and Allison K. Seed, of Lee's Summit, MO, as vice-chair.
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