From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Holy Spirit Renewal Refines Taiwan Church Traditions
Worldwide Faith News <>
Tue, 05 Feb 2002 12:53:16 -0800
Taiwan Church News 2605, February 3, 2002
Reported by Hwang Thai-ku, Written by David Alexander
The Taiwan Church Renewal Fellowship, the local
manifestation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Renewal
Ministries movement, was established in October of 1999.
Each month the group holds a rally at Shuang Lien
Presbyterian Church in Taipei. Last October it began
similar activities at churches in different parts of
Taiwan. Twenty more congregations have enrolled in the
group's programs to be held in February and March of this
year. General Secretary Rev. Chia Hi-beng says, "From
seminars we have held we have seen clear response to the
need for Holy Spirit renewal in churches. Our mission
is to act as a servant of the Spirit to perform
preparatory work for renewal with congregations."
Renewal Fellowship Chairman C. M. Kao preached at the
rally held on January 27th at Shuang Lien Church. His
topic was "The Fullness of the Holy Spirit". Kao
asserted that the greatest need of human beings is not
physical healing or speaking in tongues, but is for
wisdom to connect with people through the love of God."
Rev. Chia returned to Taiwan three months ago after
spending several years in North America. His
experience of the church in Taiwan now has shown him the
many difficult challenges faced by Christian
communities here. "The Holy Spirit movement,"
he says, "brings blessings and resources to churches.
This is not the same as the Charismatic movement, which
churches have come to disrespect. This movement is not
a threat to the traditions of churches, but is a tool
for refinement of them. We are not here to cast off our
past, but to enhance it."
He continued, "We need to pray for courage to do our
work. We currently have 30 prayer partners but need
more sisters and brothers to join us as volunteers."
In January the group began holding prayer meetings
and training sessions at Chung-li Presbyterian Church.
Attendance for these was over 450 persons per event.
>From February 2-4 Rev. Chia will preach a revival
service there.
The renewal service center has translated and
published training manuals and educational curricula
from North America.
For more Information: Chia Hi-beng.
TEL +886 2 2718 6828
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