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Churches Uniting in Christ working out modest

From "Communication Ministries" <>
Date Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:5:54 -0500

Date:  February 8, 2002
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Curt Miller
on the Web:


	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS)  Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC),
officially inaugurated in Memphis in January, is searching
for a director and discussing simple structures to guide
the new ten-church ecumenical relationship. 

	A CUIC coordinating council has approved a process for
calling a director for Churches Uniting in Christ, and a
budget to support a full time executive and a part time
administrative assistant. The council has also named a
transitional steering committee to close out the work of
the Consultation on Church Union, the predecessor of
Churches Uniting in Christ. The team includes the previous
officers of COCU and three persons from the CUIC
coordinating council. United Methodist Bishop Melvin G.
Talbert has been named to serve as the convener of the
transition team. 

	Initially the director will give leadership to the work of
the coordinating council and three task groups. One of the
groups will work at the goal of reconciling the ordained
ministries of the CUIC member communions by the year 2007. 
Another is to discuss racial justice issues and encourage
local racial reconciliation and justice efforts. A third
group will resource, encourage and network Churches Uniting
in Christ activities and initiatives in local communities.  

	The Rev. Robert K. Welsh, president of the Disciples
Council on Christian Unity, is a member of the transitional
steering committee. He recalls a time when some persons
worried that the Consultation on Church Union was trying to
create a "super church." He says the plan for such a simple
administrative staff and structure "underscores that the
CUIC churches will not be relating to an office or
organization. Through Churches Uniting in Christ they are
called to relate to each other. The super church' is not
super in its size or organization.," said the Disciples
ecumenical officer. "We are not a structure. We are a
relationship that will find its life as we engage in
activities and mission together in local communities and
regional settings." 

	-- end --

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