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John Detterick unanimously reelected to a second term as GAC executive director

Date 8 Feb 2002 15:52:52 -0500

Note #7049 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


John Detterick unanimously reelected to a second term as GAC executive director

'God and General Assembly willing,' he's ready for 'one more term'

by Jerry L. Van Marter

LOUISVILLE - The General Assembly Council (GAC) unanimously reelected John Detterick to a second four-year term as its executive director Feb. 2.

If confirmed by the upcoming 214th General Assembly in June, Detterick would be the first GAC executive director since the current GAC structure was put in place in 1986 to serve more than one term.

S. David Stoner, who served from 1987 to 1991 declined a second term and his successor, the Rev. James D. Brown, was denied confirmation to a second term in 1996 by the General Assembly after serving from 1992-1996.

Detterick, who served as CEO of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Board of Pensions prior to coming to the GAC in 1988, thanked the Council for its vote of confidence and outlined his five goals for what he said will be "one more term":

*  lead the GAC's multi-year strategic planning process; 

*  refocus the Council's work based on the planning process results and future budget constraints; 

*  plan and implement the $40 million Mission Initiative campaign for missionaries and church growth; 

*  improve partnership between General Assembly entities and middle governing bodies; and 

*  continue to develop and improve the skills of General Assembly Council staff.

"God is good and has been very good for these three-and-a-half years," Detterick told the GAC. 
"When I cam I didn't know if I could do the job or if the job was even doable . Now, God willing, GAC willing, General Assembly willing, it would be a privilege to continue serving for one more term."

Reporting for the Council's end-of-term review team, GAC vice-chair the Rev. Adelia Kelso of Pearl River, LA, praised Detterick for "inspiring and challenging the General Assembly Council with his broad vision and commitment to Jesus Christ and the structure and mission of the PC(USA), for leading the GAC and its staff in rebuilding relationship trust between the denomination and middle governing bodies, and in recognizing and developing the gifts of leadership in both staff and elected people."

Other GAC leaders elected

The Council put additional leadership in place for the coming year by electing the Rev. Barbara Renton, executive presbyter for Susquehanna Valley Presbytery in New York State, as its chair-elect. Renton will assume the chair following the upcoming 214th General Assembly in Columbus, OH, succeeding the Rev. Jeffrey Bridgeman, a pastor from Solvang, CA in Santa Barbara Presbytery. The Council also elected Vernon Carroll, a Native American rancher and Presbyterian elder from Cut Bank, MT, as its vice chair-elect.

Earlier in the week, the Council's three ministries division committees elected their officers for next year:

*  Congregational Ministries Division - chair Helen Morrison of Grosse Ile, MI, and vice-chair Greg Neel of Munster, IN 

*  National Ministries Division - chair Thomas Hood of St. Louis and vice-chair the Rev. Allison Seed of Lee's Summit, MO 

*  Worldwide Ministries Division chair Winifred Drape of Manitowoc, WI, and vice-chair the Rev. Raymond Anglin of Plantation, FL 

*  Mission Support Services chair Kaye Hirt Eggleston of Carmel, IN, and vice-chair Bruce Hendrickson of Holdrege, NE.
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