From the Worldwide Faith News archives

TITLE: Guibord Re-Elected President of California Council of

Date Fri, 8 Feb 2002 18:18:11 EST

NEWS RELEASE From Metropolitan Community Churches

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For Immediate Release: 8 February 2002


Rev. Gwynne Guibrd Elected to Second
Term as President of the California Council of Churches

Los Angeles -- The California Council of Churches has made a bold statement 
by re-electing its President, the Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord, Chief Ecumenical 
Officer of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches 
(UFMCC), to a second term as Council President.

Dr. Guibord, an open lesbian, is Metropolitan Community Churches' senior 
representative for ecumenical and interreligious concerns. In this role, she 
remains in dialogue with leaders at the highest levels of many faith 
communities in the US and worldwide. She is a member of numerous ecumenical 
councils and also serves as a Vice President of The Interfaith Alliance. 

The California Council has 20 member communions representing of more than 1.5 
million members statewide and 3,800 congregations in virtually every 
neighborhood in California.  

The mission of the Council is to produce educational resources for 
congregations on issues of concern to California's religious community. Over 
the last decade, the Council's study guides on health care, welfare reform. 
hate crimes, peacemaking among youth, and child care have served as valuable 
tools for the ministry of local congregations. 

In light of the September 11th tragedy, the Council is producing a study 
guide and accompanying video to foster cross-congregational dialogue. The 
materials will offer practical strategies for congregations to engage in 
relationship-building with various faith traditions, including Jewish, 
Muslim, Sikh and Christian -- and will be distributed to all member communion 

The Council advocates legislatively at the State Capital on behalf of 
low-income mothers, hungry children, the elderly, immigrants, and the 
homeless. The Council works ardently to carry a voice for those most 
vulnerable in our society.

MCC currently holds membership on the state councils of Hawaii, Colorado, 
Oregon, and North Carolina with memberships pending on other state councils.

Said Dr. Guibord of the re-election, "The challenges facing all people of 
faith in a rapidly changing and pluralistic society demand that no one person 
or communion be left behind or aside. There is too much work to be done on 
behalf of the most vulnerable in our society. Ultimately, we all share a 
common humanity. I am honored to have been entrusted with a leadership role 
in helping to move the California Council of Churches forward toward those 
and other endeavors."

Founded in 1968, Metropolitan Community Churches is the world's largest 
religious organization with a primary ministry to the gay, lesbian, bisexual 
and transgendered communities. MCC has more than 46,000 members and adherents 
in 300 congregations in 19 countries. Additional information on MCC is 
available at


The Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord, Chief Officer
UFMCC Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Concerns
4311 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 308
Los Angeles, California  90010
Tel. (323) 932-1516
FAX: (323) 932-0541

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