From the Worldwide Faith News archives

NCC Earth Sunday 2002 Theme is "Making the World Safe for Children"

From Carol Fouke <>
Date Mon, 11 Feb 2002 09:31:41 -0800

National Council of the Churches of Christ  in the USA
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227
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February 8, 2002, NEW YORK CITY -- "Caring for God's Creation: Making the
World Safe for Children" is the theme of resources offered by the National
Council of Churches for congregational observances of Earth Day Sunday
(April 21, 2002).
The resources are available at
"Each year, Earth Day Sunday provides an opportunity to direct our attention
to God's creation, our relationship to it and the responsibility God has
given to us to tend and to keep it, " said the Rev. Richard L. Killmer, NCC
Environmental Justice Director. "This year, worship and study resources
focus on children.
"The Biblical visions of a redeemed and restored creation often make special
note of the security and well-being of children," he said. "For example,
Zechariah has a vision of a restored Jerusalem where old men and women sit
on their porches and the city is full of boys and girls playing safely in
the streets (Zechariah 8:5.)
"Children are among God's most precious- and most vulnerable, gifts. They
are the hope of the future, but theirs is a future threatened by
environmental pollution. People of faith are called to work together to help
safeguard children's health and their future. We can work together to help
make Zechariah's dream a reality, where children play safely in their homes
and schools, on their playgrounds, and even in our city streets."
The NCC's 2002 Earth Day Resource Packet was prepared by members of the NCC
Eco-Justice Working Group. The resources include:
* "Raising Children Toxic Free," an essay on Children's Environmental Health
by the Rev. Shantilal P. Bhagat.  From Elgin, Ill., he is a Church of the
Brethren representative to the NCC's Eco-Justice Working Group and author of
"Your Health and the Environment: A Christian Perspective." The essay
describes children's greater vulnerability to toxins and offers practical
action suggestions for families and links to many resources.
* An action alert, urging Congressional support for the School Environmental
Protection Act (S. 1716). "SEPA is an important first step toward reducing
the exposure of children to potentially toxic environmental hazards in our
schools," Killmer said. The action alert was prepared by Eco-Justice Working
Group member Jaydee Hanson of the United Methodist General Board of Church
and Society, Washington, D.C.
* Worship resources, with links to additional resources on the Web at and . The worship
resources were prepared by the Rev. Sharon Delgado of Santa Cruz, Calif., a
United Methodist Church minister.
* An 8-1/2x11" church bulletin insert, prepared by John Paarlberg of the
Reformed Church in America, New York City.  The bulletin insert is in PDF
version downloadable from the Web at
Through the NCC's Eco-Justice Working Group, representatives from 23
Protestant and Orthodox denominations carry out an extensive program helping
people of faith engage in environmental issues. Formed in 1983, the
Eco-Justice Group seeks to support and assist denominational and ecumenical
work to protect God's Creation. It publishes resource materials for
congregations, including the annual Earth Day resource, sponsors biennial
conferences for environmental justice leaders, sponsors a Web site
( and has created several programs
for the historic black denominations.
The NCC has spearheaded many programs to encourage energy savings, including
an "Energy Stewardship Congregation Program," which urges congregations to
covenant to make their church buildings and grounds more energy efficient.
NCC resources also help church members to write letters, call and make
visits encouraging their local, state and national elected officials to
endorse a "Clean Energy Agenda."

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