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2002 NCC YEARBOOK: LDS Makes Top Five
Carol Fouke <>
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:35:58 -0800
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
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February 13, 2002, NEW YORK CITY - For the first time, The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) is reported within the five largest
churches in the United States, according to the National Council of Churches
' 2002 "Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches," off press this week.
"This ranking represents a very brisk increase in membership for a church
with a relatively brief history," said the Rev. Dr. Eileen W. Lindner,
"Yearbook" editor and NCC Deputy General Secretary for Research and
Planning. The LDS was organized April 6, 1830, at Fayette, N.Y., by Joseph
"The distinctive theological position of the LDS and the history of its
persecution make such rapid growth all the more remarkable; however, the
church's strong emphasis on outreach through both mission personnel and
electronic and print advertising makes it unique among contemporary North
American churches," she wrote.
Members believe Smith was divinely directed to restore the gospel to the
earth, and hold that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon - a record of the
Lord's dealings with His people on the American continent from 600 B.C. to
421 A.D. - are scripture. The previously fifth-ranked Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America now ranks sixth, trading places with the LDS, which the
2001 "Yearbook" ranked sixth.
Denominational Name Inclusive Membership 2002 Yearbook* (2001 Yearbook*)
Roman Catholic Church -- 63,683,030 (62,391,484)
Southern Baptist Convention -- 15,960,308 (15,851,756)
United Methodist Church -- 8,340,954 (8,377,662)
Church of God in Christ -- 5,499,875 (5,499,875)
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS-- 5,208,827 (5,113,409)
Evangelical Luth Ch in America --5,125,919 (5,149,668)
*All data reported in 2000 except COGIC (1991)
**All data reported in 1999 except COGIC (1991)
Source: Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches
The 2002 "top five" account for nearly two-thirds (64.87 percent) of
inclusive membership reported to the "Yearbook" by 66 U.S. churches. They
illustrate the increasing theological, racial and social diversity of U.S.
church life.
The 2002 "Yearbook" is the 70th published by the National Council of
Churches and its predecessor Federal Council of Churches since 1916. It is
widely recognized as the most accurate and complete compilation of facts and
figures on U.S. and Canadian churches and organizations.
This "chronicler of record" includes the latest data on giving, membership,
personnel and congregations for hundreds of church groups. The directory of
religious bodies provides concise church descriptions, ecclesiology,
history, leadership and contact information. Chapters list information
about cooperative organizations, Web-based resources, research institutions,
ecumenical bodies, seminaries and Bible colleges, periodicals and
collections of church archives.
A directory of U.S. regional and local ecumenical bodies includes an index
to their work in 25 program areas. Holy days of several faiths are listed
in the "Year 2002-2005 Calendar."
The theme article in the 2002 "Yearbook" is "The Fevered Frenzy Over
Faith-Based Initiatives," which complements the 2001 "Yearbook's"
comprehensive review of all research published in English through December
2000 on "Charitable Choice." (See sidebar.)
Among other findings" reported in the 2002 "Yearbook":
* Local congregations continue to collect and disburse substantial monies,
totaling nearly $30 billion ($29,464,889,024) in 2000, with 65 churches
reporting. Benevolence giving (funds utilized for the well-being of others)
as a percentage of total contributions rose markedly, from 16 percent in
1999 to 17 percent in 2000. Total dollars contributed per capita inclusive
members jumped by $50.37, from $548.77 in 1999 to $599.14 in 2000. The
likely explanation: the U.S. economy's strength during the reporting period.
* In 2000, women constituted 34.91 percent of total enrollment in all
member schools of the Association of Theological Schools and 30.87 percent
of the head count enrollment in the M.Div. degree program. When ATS first
began gathering enrollment data by gender in 1972, women constituted 10.2
percent of the enrollment. Only once in the past 25 years has the number of
women students decreased from one year to the next, that being in 1993, with
a 0.65 percent decrease.
* African American, Hispanic and Pacific/Asian American student enrollment
all continue their steady increase since 1977, reaching 20.75 percent of
total enrollment in 2000 (up from 6.3 percent in 1977).
The 2002 "Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches" (416 pages,
paperback) is published by Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tenn. Included with
the print edition for the first time this year is a year's subscription to
the "Yearbook Online," featuring regularly updated searchable data,
accessible from any computer with Web access. (See sidebar.)
The "Yearbook" may be ordered by e-mail (; phone
(888-870-3325); fax (212-870-2817); or mail (Yearbook Orders, National
Council of Churches, Room 880, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115).
Cost is $55 including shipping.
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