From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Australian Anglican Do-it-your-self Churches

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:45:53 -0800

ACNS 2875 - AUSTRALIA - 12 February 2002

Do-It-Yourself churches

[Anglican Media Tasmania] Six Tasmanian Anglican parishes in rural and
remote parts of the State are celebrating the beginning of a new era.

In February, the Bishop of Tasmania, the Right Reverend John Harrower,
officially launches Enabler Supported Ministry in the communities of
Circular Head, Penguin, Sheffield, St Helens, Channel-Cygnet and New

Bishop Harrower said that at a time of declining population and services in
regional and rural communities, the Anglican Church wanted to show a way
forward for the future. He added, "It is a great sign of hope for the Church
as a whole as well as the rural communities involved. This new way of doing
things has enabled some cash-strapped churches to be free of many of the
financial worries of the past."

Enabler Supported Ministry is a do-it-yourself way of running the church,
which taps into the depth of talent and leadership in the local community.
Every member is encouraged to play a part supported by a team of local
leaders. Diocesan assistance is given by an experienced Minister, called an
Enabler, who resources a group of parishes.

The Bishop said, 'The Enabler's job is not to do the ministry for the people
but to enable the people to do it themselves. They provide high quality
training programmes and resources. The local people serve apprenticeships
for their different roles, including that of local priests and deacons.' Ten
people will be ordained priest and five deacon in February.

He said that this is a shining example of the resilience and inventiveness
of country people and their willingness to pioneer new possibilities. 'Many
of the lessons they have learnt are relevant for churches in our towns and
cities. I am excited by the signs of new life and growth.'

The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.

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