From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Anglican Diocese of Oxford plans Unconventional Convention in July 2002
Worldwide Faith News <>
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:47:44 -0800
ACNS 2876 - ENGLAND - 12 February 2002
Invitation to the Unconventional
[The Door] A Eucharist for 3500 people gathered in a giant marquee will be
the climax of the Diocese of Oxford's three-day 'Unconventional' Convention
in July. The Eucharist is part of the Saturday Programme on 13 July which
also includes an address by the Archbishop of Canterbury on leadership in
the Church and seminars by a galaxy of international speakers. There will
also be workshops and 'hands-on' activities for all the family.
On Thursday and Friday, 11 and 12 July, there will be keynote addresses by
Karl Moore on 'Managing change in the Church' and by Frances Young, a
Methodist minister, who has written about the theology of suffering. Four
'Tracks' of seminars and workshops will cover a huge range of subjects from
African worship to the mission and work of the rural church. Another
highlight of the convention will be worship with John Bell from the Iona
Community and the award presentation for the 'God is not Dead' youth
project, which is designed to offer people aged 11-19 an opportunity to
speak out about the future of the Church.
The Anglican Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Richard Harries, says, "The
Diocesan Convention is a key event in our life together. It provides a
wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith, to deepen our
life in Christ, to share with one another in worship and to learn fresh
insights on how we can share the love of God in Jesus Christ with others. It
is going to be a great time and I know that God will bless us richly."
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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