From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Lutherans help Africans after volcano eruption
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 09:15:46 -0800
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services
LCMSNews -- No. 10
February 14, 2002
Lutherans help Africans after volcano eruption
U.S. Lutherans have committed $25,000 toward relief efforts in Congo and
Rwanda through Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore.
LCMS World Relief has provided an initial grant of $10,000 to LWR, which
works on behalf of The Lutheran Church_Missouri Synod and the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America. LWR is providing aid through Action by
Churches Together (ACT) International, an interchurch emergency alliance.
Through ACT and its on-site partners, Lutherans are providing food and
other necessities to people affected by the volcanic eruption near Goma,
Democratic Republic of Congo, on Jan. 17. Mount Nyiragongo's eruption
destroyed nearly half of the city of Goma, sending tens of thousands of
people fleeing across the border into Rwanda.
In Goma, ACT partners are providing water, food, plastic sheeting, blankets
and cooking utensils to some 60,000 people. ACT also is providing water
tanks and units for water purification, pipelines, pumping and sanitation.
According to ACT, establishing feeding centers and kitchens is crucial,
since many people no longer have a way to prepare or cook food. There also
is a shortage of firewood in the region.
Most of the people who fled Congo are back in the country, but many are
poised to evacuate again. Post-eruption earthquakes continue to destroy
homes and other structures, and researchers say the earthquakes could
continue as long as magma is settling in the mountain.
Contributions to assist refugees in the Congo and Rwanda -- earmarked
"Congo Volcano" -- may be sent to LCMS World Relief, P.O. Box 66861, St.
Louis, MO 63166-9810. Or, call the credit-card gift line at (888) 930 4438.
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