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Time is running out for nominations to ACSWP task force on disabilities
15 Feb 2002 15:03:20 -0500
Note #7055 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Time is running out for nominations to ACSWP task force on disabilities
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - A Feb. 28 deadline is looming for nominations to a proposed Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) task force on people with disabilities.
The group, whose work is themed "Harvesting Seeds of Justice: Ministering in Church and Society with Persons Who Have Disabilities," will consider policies and recommendations to help churches work for justice with and for people with disabilities.
ACSWP extended its original Dec. 31 deadline when some presbyteries were late in receiving nomination forms. Feedback on the prospectus is also welcomed.
"When we learned that mailings had been delayed due to possible anthrax in the mailing system, we immediately extended the deadline," said ACSWP's coordinator, the Rev. Peter A. Sulyok. "We have had a wonderful response. ... We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to be considered."
The "Harvesting Seeds of Justice" task force will begin its work in recognition that people with disabilities and their advocates have already begun the work of justice and the time is ripe for the church to join in the harvest.
A prospectus and information on nominations are available from ACSWP at 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202. Sulyok can be reached by phone at 1-888-728-7228 ext. 5814, or by email at
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