From the Worldwide Faith News archives
World Sabbath Celebration: Praying against religious hatred
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:52:25 -0800
ACNS 2884 - USA - 20 February 2002
World Sabbath Celebration: Praying against religious hatred
[The Living Church, 24 February 2002] From Sikhs to Baptists, 400 religious
leaders and followers gathered at Christ Church Cranbrook in Bloomfield
Hills, Michigan, on January 26 to celebrate the third annual World Sabbath
celebration. The special service was initiated by two Episcopal priests from
the Diocese, the Revd Rod Reinhart and the Revd Ed Mullins, three years ago.
"The mission of the World Sabbath is to call people of all faiths together
to pray for an end to religious hatred, persecution, terrorism, war, and to
commit themselves to work for justice, equality and peace among all
religions, races, nations and tribes of the world," explained Fr Reinhart.
"We were called together first because of a profound concern for Africa,
Asia and the third world. Countries like Sudan, Bosnia and suchlike. This
year we are calling people together to pray because we understand what it is
to be victimised by religious hatred and war." In light of the September 11
attacks he said, "We now know much more intimately what it is to be
victimised by religious hatred."
[Matthew Davies]
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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