From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Affirming Catholicism Australis?
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:49:18 -0800
ACNS 2882 - AUSTRALIA - 20 February 2002
Affirming Catholicism Australia?
[North Coast Anglican, January/February 2002] The Dean of Grafton, the Very
Revd Peter Catt, has written to the Bishops and Deans of the Australian
Church, heads of religious communities and Church media outlets seeking
support for the establishment of Affirming Catholicism in Australia.
Fr Catt said, "I believe that the Anglican Church produces its best when
each of the various traditions which make up its life is vibrant. I am
hoping to gather together a group who wish to see the Anglo-Catholic
tradition focus some of its vitality for the sake of the Australian Church."
Affirming Catholicism has existed in the UK for some years, holding biannual
conferences and producing books such as Living Evangelism, Living the
Eucharist and Living Tradition.
Their website claims the riches of the catholic tradition are needed
throughout the Church to further the Christian mission; and that full
inclusion of lay and ordained people in Church government, and of both men
and women in the threefold ministry, reinforces the catholicity of the
Affirming Catholicism's vocation is fivefold: to build disciplined lives of
regular prayer, study and worship; to have a commitment to the social and
moral transformation of the world; to present models of love and community
for all seeking to follow Christ; to nurture a living catholic tradition to
carry the gifts of the past into the future; and to create liturgy which
inspires holiness and which relates the greatness of God to his people
[Matthew Davies]
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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