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Managing Editor of The Disciple magazine accepts

From "Communication Ministries" <>
Date Fri, 22 Feb 2002 14:15:46 -0500

call to Church Finance Council
Date: February 22, 2002
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Curt Miller
on the Web:


	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- Lois Artis, president of the Church
Finance Council, has announced the call of Daniel R.
Gangler, former managing editor of the Disciple magazine,
to the position of Director of Communication effective
February 18.

	"Gangler is a seasoned communicator who has an excellent
eye for graphic detail and a passion for the mission of the
church," said Artis.  "The award winning The Disciple
magazine has been enhanced by his professionalism and we
believe his gifts will be evident in the promotional
materials developed by the Church Finance Council," she

	Gangler has served as an educator, graphic designer and
pastor. He has distinguished himself as a leader in
religious communication as director of communication for
the Nebraska United Methodist Conference, associate editor
of the Dallas-based United Methodist Reporter; and most
recently as managing editor of The Disciple.

	Gangler is an ordained elder of The United Methodist
Church, Nebraska Conference.  He holds an undergraduate
degree from Illinois State University in Visual Arts, a
master of divinity degree from Garrett-Evangelical
Theological Seminary, and a doctor of ministry degree from
Saint Paul School of Theology.  Gangler was awarded a
certificate of merit in 2000 by the Associated Church Press
for his news story on the Palestinian uprising.  In 1996 he
was named "Communicator of the Year," by the United
Methodist Association of Communicators.

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