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[PCUSANEWS] Renewal is for the whole church, theologian says
26 Feb 2002 16:33:30 -0500
Note #7068 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Ttile: Renewal is for the whole church, theologian says
Renewal is for the whole church, theologian says
Mauser says reformers' goal must be greater unity, not schism
by Jerry L. Van Marter
ATLANTA - The Presbyterian Church (USA) is "tired of constant strife," renowned theologian Ulrich Mauser told 800 participants in the Confessing Church Movement (CCM) celebration here on Feb. 25.
Mauser, a professor of Biblical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary who grew up in Hitler's Germany, said: "We long for recovery of a clear identity. The chance has been given to us.
We are here to seize it!"
Recounted the theological struggles of Calvin and Luther, he called on the CCM "to take up the Reformation torch."
The Reformers insisted on a set of "sharp alternatives," Mauser said - salvation in Jesus Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone and Scripture alone as the guide to truth and falsehood. "These Reformers wanted to preserve and protect the priorities and central tenets of the faith," he said.
Building on the Reformers' efforts to create a Protestant church was the doing of others, Mauser said, urging CCM supporters to remain in the Presbyterian Church (USA). "The Reformers never advocated a counter-denomination or para-church," he said. "They only intended to call the one church back to its true calling, to reestablish pure doctrine and practice."
He said that, although the Reformation movement split the church, "the goal, then and now, is to renew the church."
Hauser acknowledged that many Presbyterians "are sick and tired of getting our energy sapped by having to deal with questions that should be considered settled." But he noted that the Reformers challenged backers of renewal movements "not to break away. We cannot condone your desire to break away from others just to be left alone. ... We must do this for the whole church."
Mauser concluded that those who would renew the church must remain and persevere. "We cannot reform the church by our own strength or by our own plans and schemes," he said, "but we can lift our hands to God in prayer and say, 'God reform us.'"
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