From the Worldwide Faith News archives
April event will explore Great Commission
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:30:06 -0600
Feb. 27, 2002 News media contact: Linda Green7(615)742-54707Nashville,
Tenn. 10-71B{078}
By Elaine Justice*
ATLANTA (UMNS) -- Christian evangelism leaders from around the world will
gather in April to address crucial issues of faith and mission in the 21st
The "Consultation on the Great Commission," April 3-6 at Emory University's
Candler School of Theology, will provide an international context for the
United Methodist Church to consider critical issues related to evangelism
and mission. In giving the Great Commission, Jesus told his followers to
share the gospel throughout the world.
"The design of the consultation is to bring the church's best thoughts and
practices together so that local congregations and church agencies can be
better prepared to relate the Good News ... indeed our Great Commission,"
said Stephen Gunter, A.J. Moore Associate Professor of Evangelism at Candler
and on-site coordinator of the event.
More than 30 people, representing many aspects of Christian thought and
mission work, will lead plenary sessions, focus seminars and worship
services on such topics as witness material, faith sharing, prison
ministries, the "Disciple Bible," and presenting the gospel in multicultural
settings. Presenters will include the Rev. Randolph Nugent, top executive of
the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries; Bishop Kenneth Carder,
leader of the church's Mississippi Area; the Rev. Richard Wills, pastor of
Christ Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; the Rev. Maxie Dunnam, president of
Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Ky.; noted evangelism pioneers the
Rev. H. Eddie Fox and the Rev. George Morris; and Thomas G. Long, Bandy
Professor of Preaching at Candler.
Through presentations and focus groups, the participants will be challenged
to think in new ways about the Great Commission.
Worship will be held three times a day, with evening services taking place
at area United Methodist churches. The April 3 service will feature Long,
named by Newsweek magazine as one of the nation's top preachers. Planned for
April 4 is a missionary sending service presided over by North Georgia
Bishop G. Lindsey Davis. Andrew Walls, a British Methodist and one of the
world's foremost missions experts, will deliver the message on April 5.
Co-sponsors of the consultation include Candler, the United Methodist Board
of Discipleship, the churchwide Board of Global Ministries, the Foundation
for Evangelism and the World Methodist Evangelism Institute.
Participants must register in advance. For information, call (404) 727-6352
or send an e-mail to or
# # #
*Justice is associate director of Emory University's Office of University
Media Relations.
United Methodist News Service
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