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Episcopalians: Process for potential Church Center move to GTS campus
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 17:44:12 -0500 (EST)
March 1, 2002
Episcopalians: Process for potential Church Center move to
GTS campus
by James Solheim
(ENS) The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, at its
February meeting in San Antonio, accepted a five-phase process
that could lead to a move of the national offices to a new
facility on the campus of the General Theological Seminary (GTS)
in New York.
The Memorandum of Intent (text at, passed earlier by
the GTS board, constitutes an expression of current interest
and intent by both parties to proceed and it outlines the
essential terms and conditions for a joint development of
offices and a conference center.
The first phase, already underway, must determine space
requirements of both parties, look at the budget, review
ownership structure options, and determine the value of the
seminarys property as part of the development.
For the church, the biggest issue is the viability of the
conference center, according to Pat Mordecai, assistant to the
presiding bishop for administration. She said that phase one
could be completed by the time the council meets again in June.
The second phase, which must seek zoning approvals, could take
14-18 months. A Definitive Agreement between the church and
seminary is necessary, she pointed out, before the plans could
We are still on board and think this can work, said Dall
Forsythe of New York in his presentation to the council. The
train is moving down the track but it will make some stops when
either party can get off. He said that he thinks it will work
out fine but we wont know until all the figures are available.
As a separate issue, the church must decide what to do with
the Church Center on Second Avenue in Manhattan. Treasurer Ralph
L. OHara said that there is an advantage to owning New York
City real estate at this time so there is a possibility the
church might decide to renovate and lease the building. The
recommitment of the Episcopal Church to a presence in New York
City at this time will be a powerful statement to the people of
this grieving city and nation, said the memorandum.
Phase three involves an agreement on the design, bidding for
the construction, approving a final development budget and
financing structurea process that could take another 6-9
months, according to Mordecai. She estimated that construction
of the offices on the Ninth Avenue boundary of the campus would
take about 24 months and the conference center about 18 months
so that the actual move would not be possible until the end of
2006 or early the following year. There is some disagreement on
which of the two projects would come first, she noted. The
church is arguing for the offices, the seminary for the
conference center since it would be less disruptive.
The use of the conference center is still under discussion.
We acknowledge the importance for both the Church Center and
the seminary to retain their respective identities and missions,
but through the conference and education center a new
collaboration and synergy will become possible, the memorandum
observed. The interaction and dialogue between the church and
the seminary may provide new ways of serving and new forms of
leadership and an opportunity to explore new ways of enhancing
their ministries through cooperative sharing of resources. By
bringing together the leadership of the church with educational
resources in an international city, this proposal will enhance
the role of the Episcopal Church throughout the Anglican
The memorandum was signed by Presiding Bishop Frank T.
Griswold and Dean Ward Ewing of the seminary.
--James Solheim is director of Episcopal News Service.
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