From the Worldwide Faith News archives
More than $150,000 in grants awarded to ministries worldwide
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:33:43 -0600
March 18, 2002 News media contact: Joretta Purdue7(202)
546-87227Washington 10-71B{112}
NOTE: This report is a sidebar to UMNS story #111.
HERNDON, Va. (UMNS) - Two sets of grants were awarded worldwide by United
Methodists as part of the work of the denomination's Board of Church and
Society when the agency met March 14-17.
The board's Peace with Justice Work Area approved grants totaling $64,197.
Those grants were supported with funds given by United Methodists to the
Peace With Justice Special Sunday Offering, observed this year on May 26. In
addition, the board approved 12 Shared Mission Focus on Young People grants
totaling $95,000.
Three of this latter category of grants, which must include participation by
young people in the design and implementation, are for ministries in central
(overseas) conferences. These are $7,500 to the Youth for Peace Advocacy
Program of United Methodist Action for Youth in Northwest Mindanao, the
Philippines; up to $7,500 to Policy Advocacy on Substance Abuse and Related
Violence to the Sierra Leone Conference; and $15,000 to Kirche Im Container
of Oranienburg Mission Church in the Germany North Conference.
Other grants for use by young people were given as follows: $7,500 for
empowering young people in their faith at South Dade Haitian United
Methodist Mission in the Florida Conference; $5,000 to "Gather" at Broadway
United Methodist Church in the Northern Illinois Conference; $10,000 to A
Community Place in the Kensington Area Ministry of the Eastern Pennsylvania
Conference; $7,500 to Bridging the Diversity Gap of the United Campus
Ministry in the West Ohio Conference;
Also $8,500 to Children Achieving Maximum Potential at Myers Park United
Methodist Church in the Western North Carolina Conference; $11,500 to the
Lost and Found Street Drama on Broadway program of the Broadway United
Methodist Church in the East Ohio Conference; $7,500 to Alabama Rural
Ministry in the Alabama-West Florida Conference; $7,500 to the Moses
Ministry at Gaines and York Street United Methodist churches in the West
Ohio Conference; and $7,500 to Palouse FROG (Friends Recruiting Others for
God) at Simpson United Methodist Church in the Pacific Northwest Conference.
The Peace with Justice grants included three awards of $5,000 each to
central conference ministries: the Human Rights Education and Advocacy
Program of the Philippines East Annual Conference; And Women Say No! of the
Philippines Central Conference; and Human Rights Education and Awareness in
the Liberia Annual Conference.
Other Peace with Justice grants are $5,000 to Environmental Ministries in
San Diego; $3,000 to Dakota Resource Council in Dickinson, N.D.; $5,000 to
Shalom Zone Ministries in Houston; $4,800 to the Institute for Peace and
Justice in St. Louis; $5,000 to Moten Leadership Forum in Phoenix; $5,000 to
Methodists United for Peace and Justice in Washington; $3,000 to Community
Health Partnership in San Antonio; $3,000 to Partnership Alliance AIDS
Ministry in Brookville, Pa.;
And $5,000 to St. Andrew's Mission United Methodist Church in McComb, Miss.;
$2,000 to Peacemaking Ministries for Today's World in Scotts Valley, Calif.;
$4,977 to the Holston Conference Peace With Justice Network; $1,000 for
American Indian Law Alliance in New York; and $2,420 to the Labor Comparison
Project of the California-Pacific Annual Conference.
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