From the Worldwide Faith News archives
South Africa's Human Right's Day
Worldwide Faith News <>
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:15:31 -0800
ACNS 2914 - SOUTHERN AFRICA - 20 March 2002
Transformation Africa 2002
South Africa's Human Right's Day, 21 March 2002, will see over 250 000
Christians, in seven stadiums countrywide, praying to God to transform their
cities, the Nation of South Africa and the continent of Africa. Their
prayers will be joined by countless others listening to live radio
broadcasts, watching TV or participating in smaller events planned in
outlying cities. This year the event also invites international
participation with live coverage on satellite TV throughout Africa and
Europe (Channel 98 on DSTV through out Sub Saharan Africa, SABC throughout
Africa and the GOD channel, channel 655 on Sky Digital in the UK and
Keynote speakers for the interdenominational event include Anglican priest
and International Team Leader of African Enterprise (AE), Michael Cassidy,
and Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of South Africa, Mvume Dandala.
Prominent politicians from all levels of government, sports stars, business
and community leaders will be in attendance at each of the seven stadiums.
Specific areas for prayer include critical issues such as crime, HIV/AIDS,
poverty, violence and sexual abuse, which are crippling the continent of
Africa. Other activities at the events will include worship and spiritual
The event was first run last year by a group of businesspeople and church
leaders in Cape Town. Ticket requests oversubscribed the number of seats in
the stadium by 200%, with 45 000 lucky attendees arriving in scores of free
buses and trains from all over the city of Cape Town. Due to the great
success of this 2001 Cape Town Transformation prayer event, leaders in many
other cities expressed their interest in joining the initiative in 2002.
This vision has come to fruition, with Transformation Cape Town changing its
name and vision to Transformation Africa.
The day itself will take place in three distinct time segments. The program
will start at 13h00 (South African Time - GMT +2), with the first time
segment being dedicated to praying for the region in which each stadium
falls. At 14h00 all of the stadiums will be linked together by satellite
feed and the program will be run primarily from Cape Town until 15h30. This
time segment will be devoted to prayer on national issues, such as HIV/AIDS,
and will also include messages from pastors and celebrities. The final
timeslot, from 15h30 until the end at 17h00, will once again revert back to
the regional organisers who will again focus on regional issues.
The convener of the Transformation event, Mr Graham Power, said, "I believe
God has a great heart for Africa and that there is a lot of hope for our
continent. We have no doubt that this day is destined to become an annual
day of prayer for Africa."
The time is coming when Africa will no longer be known as the 'Dark
Continent', but as a light to all nations. We invite all Christians, across
denominational barriers, to join us in prayer that God bless Africa!
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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