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Disciples "respond to the call" with a day of serving
"Communication Ministries" <>
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:0:24 -0500
Date: March 25, 2002
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Curt Miller
on the Web:
Contact: Jayna Powell, Volunteers in Mission
Division of Homeland Ministries, Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
phone: (410) 788-6309
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- The Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ) is coordinating a nationwide effort to make
September 11, 2002 a day of service in remembrance of lives
lost in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93
terrorist tragedies. "9-11: Respond to the Call" asks
Disciples congregations to add elements of action and unity
to their prayerful response to the horrors of 9-11-- and
every day that someone somewhere in the world must live in
fear -- by working side-by-side with others in their
community, making it a better place for all people.
Organizers are relying on each congregation to develop its
own service projects, hoping that churches will tap into
existing relationships with local not-for-profits to design
realistic projects that meet immediate needs and that can
be completed.
For congregations new to hands-on community service work,
the day presents an opportunity to establish ties with
other organizations with a history of hands-on outreach
work. Most soup kitchens, mentoring and tutoring programs,
inner-city community centers, shelters and prisons; as well
as homes for children, the elderly, mentally challenged or
recovering addicts welcome any offer of help. And since
they will accept it at any time, outreach projects might be
more feasible on weekends rather than on the 11th itself.
Disciples congregations are urged to invite other
churches, mosques, synagogues, and other cultural or
service-oriented groups to share the workday. Individuals
are encouraged to rally co-workers and friends to
participate, perhaps to find additional projects. There are
opportunities for all ages -- from children to the oldest
members -- to make a difference. There are no limits to who
"Responds To the Call," nor on how they choose to do so.
The effort was inspired by the sentiments of a woman who
lost her child during the hijacking of United Flight 93:
"What those people are doing [working in soup kitchens,
building homes, working with underprivileged children, and
in sub-standard housing projects] is what we all should be
doing in response to my daughter's death and the death of
thousands on September 11.
Please tell them for me, thank you...' I do not want
revenge ... I want peace."
A parent's desire to change a world in which such
unspeakable acts of hatred could occur is shared by Week of
Compassion and Volunteers in Mission, who are working
together to sponsor "9-11: Respond to the Call." While
prayer is encouraged, this day of service is a reminder
that humanity, too, has the power to make changes.
WOC and VIM are creating a website through which
congregations may download free publicity material, get
ideas, or share their plans for September 11, 2002.
Individuals who want to be a part of the larger effort can
find news online of projects they can join nearby. Link to
the website through or For additional
information about "9-11: Respond to the Call," contact
Brenda Tyler toll-free at 1-888-346-2631.
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