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Episcopalians: Commission says 20/20 planning should include small congregations

Date Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:56:31 -0500 (EST)

March 27, 2002


Episcopalians: Commission says 20/20 planning should include 
small congregations

by Dick Snyder

(ENS) Support for the goals of the Episcopal Church's 20/20 
initiative has been expressed by the Standing Commission for 
Small Congregations, which met in late March at the Bishop Mason 
Center in the Diocese of Dallas.

While supporting the goals of church growth and renewed 
missionary endeavor, the standing commission also plans to work 
with the 20/20 strategy group to "make sure that the language 
used is not threatening to small congregations," said Ramona 
Burroughs of South Dakota, co-chair of the commission.

Many small churches are in communities that are not growing, and 
there needs to be "consideration for their vitality," said the 
Very Rev. H. W. Herrmann of the Diocese of Quincy.  "There are 
different ways to measure vitality," he added.

Showing understanding for the condition of small churches should 
be a factor in the 20/20 plans because, according to statistics 
compiled by the national church, "two-thirds of all 
Episcopalians worshipping on any Sunday worship in a church with 
100 or fewer in the congregation," he added.

Many of those churches are in dioceses that utilize clergy 
trained and ordained under the church's local ministry, or Canon 
9 model, which the standing commission is on record as favoring. 
 The standing commission also voted to work with the Standing 
Commission for Ministry Development in monitoring proposed 
changes in the ministry canons that may be proposed at the 2003 
General Convention.

"We are also encouraging small congregations and the rest of the 
church to be more intentional about involving the youth" in all 
facets of the church's life, said Burroughs.  "They are not just 
the hope for the future, but they are the church of today." She 
added that she would be in conversation with the 20/20 strategy 
group to express the position taken by the standing commission.


--Dick Snyder is a freelance church journalist, seminarian, and 
member of the Standing Commission for Small Congregations

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