From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Japanese Christians' Letter to Ariel Sharon of Israel
Worldwide Faith News <>
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 11:23:11 -0800
Mr. Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel.
The Israeli Embassy in Japan
March 29, 2002
Dear Prime Minister Ariel Sharon:
We, Japanese Christians, have been deeply saddened to know that many
citizens, both Israelis and Palestinians were killed and injured as a result
of the continuous violent conflicts between Palestine and Israel since the
year 2000. We also have been hearing the outcries from Christians in
Palestine appealing to us regarding the suffering and casualties caused by
the Israeli military attacks. We also know that many Israelis are seeking for
peace. Now, we are grateful to hear that the Israeli military forces will
withdraw from Bethlehem and other occupied territory and resume the peace
negotiations. We hope and pray that this opportunity will pave the way for a
lasting peace.
We deeply regret that " Christian nations " have persecuted Jewish people for
many years. We especially repent that many Christians were merely onlookers
during the cruel atrocities committed under the Nazi regime. However, it
will lead to a similar Nazi genocide policy if the Israeli government
continues to invade the Palestinian ruled territory and take the land and
water away, destroy homes and build settlements which threaten Palestinian
livelihood, and kill Palestinians. This is an act of violation against human
dignity. We also oppose the act of indiscriminate killings such as suicide
bombings by Palestinian . However, we believe that the suicide bombings will
continue to happen and there will be no security for both Palestinians and
Israelis, unless the illegal occupation of Palestine comes to an end.
In praying that people in Palestine and Israel will live peacefully together
as fellow human beings, we will request the following:
1) Put all atrocities to an end and keep the human dignity of Palestinians.
2) Implement the past UN resolutions, especially with the one by the UN
Security Council.
3) Recognize Palestine as a state and completely withdraw from occupied
territory in accordance with International laws.
4) Allow the Palestinian refugees since the establishment of Israel in 1948,
to return to their homes.
Peace and Grace,
Ms. Reiko Suzuki Rev. Kenichi Otsu
Moderator General Secretary
National Christian Council National Christian Council
In Japan in Japan
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