From the Worldwide Faith News archives
PDA eases poverty, hunger of Palestinians
2 Apr 2002 16:21:34 -0500
Note #7118 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
PDA eases poverty, hunger of Palestinians
$30,000 grant will help allay starvation for 10,000 families
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has announced that it will use $30,000 from One Great Hour of Sharing to buy and distribute food packages for 5,000 families in the Gaza Strip and 5,000 more on the West Bank.
In a recent situation report, PDA officials said the current violence and reoccupation of Palestinian territories by the Israeli military is driving Palestinians deeper into poverty and isolation.
The estimated poverty rate among Palestinians in the territories is now 64 percent, and unemployment is above 50 percent, PDA officials said.
"The impoverished conditions have impacted thousands of families, many of whom are in direct need of basic food security," said Pamela Burdine, PDA's communications officer.
PDA said its food assistance will help about 60,000 people affected by the armed conflict and economic conditions. It is being managed by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), an ecumenical partner of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Each packet contains 10 kilograms of rice, five liters of cooking oil, six kilograms of sugar, one box of tea, two boxes of tomato paste, two boxes of green peas, two boxes of white peas; 4.5 kilograms of Nido milk, and spaghetti and noodles.
PDA, one of three programs supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, is part of the PC(USA)'s Worldwide Ministries Division (WMD).
Financial contributions may be made through Presbyterian congregations or sent to Presbyterian Center's Central Receiving Service, Section 300, Louisville, KY 40289. Refer to designated account number #9-2000081 - Middle East. To make a gift with a credit card, call PresbyTel at 1-800-872-3283 or visit PDA's secure Web site at
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