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Israeli Tanks Halt Ambulance in Bethlehem
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 08:12:06 EST
Fr. Raed Awad Abusahlia
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JERUSALEM, April 3, 2002---Following is a first-hand report received here
today from a Christian layperson in Bethlehem:
150 Take Refuge in Church of Nativity
"The Israeli occupation forces are still in Bethlehem until the moment of
writing this report.
"The number of the Martyrs is still unknown. The Israeli soldiers are not
allowing media people, medics or food supplies to reach the town.
"More than 150 are taking refuge in the Church of the Nativity.
"Food and medical supplies are cut for about 36 hours. The only ambulance
that tried to reach them was crushed by Israeli tanks and the crew were
lightly injured.
"In the church, so far there are 38 injured 4 of them are critical and one
has been bleeding for a long time.
"The Family of Sami Abdeh are suffering a serious problem. The Israeli
soldiers shelled their house killing the mother (around 60 yers old) and her
son (around 38 years old). The house is full of children and they are in a
hysterical situation. I have seen their pictures now on TV. The scene is
"This famliy had to stay with their dead dear since yesterday morning. I will
try to provide you with photos, one TV station managed to get inside their
(Dispatch ends abruptly)
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