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Vatican Secretary of State Says Israel Should Honor UN Resolutions
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 07:24:17 EST
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Ranking Cardinal Urges Christian World to Join Pope's Prayer for Peace
JERUSALEM, April 4, 2002--The Roman Catholic Church has sent an urgent
message to the Israeli government and others seeking an end to violence in
the Holy Land.
Word has been received here that Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican
Secretary of State, has stated that a solution to the crisis in the Holy Land
should be based on approved UN resolutions.
In a column that appeared Thursday in the Italian daily Avvenire, Cardinal
Sodano wrote that existing UN resolutions form the basis for a workable peace
agreement. The UN resolutions call for Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian
According to the Rome-based, the cardinal added that in addition
to diplomatic efforts, "we must not forget that the prayers of believers are
very necessary" to the search for peace. He said that all Christians "should
unite with the Pope's prayer, and that of all the Church, asking for peace."
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