From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Conference gift supports new peace, leadership institute

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Date Tue, 9 Apr 2002 13:47:50 -0500

April 9, 2002   News media contact: Linda Green7(615)742-54707Nashville,
Tenn.     10-21-31-71BP{146}

NOTE: A head-and-shoulders photograph of Bishop Felton E. May is available
at online. This report may be used
with UMNS stories #145 and #147.  	

By Celinda J. Hughes*

MUTARE, Zimbabwe (UMNS) - A new peace initiative at Africa University is
getting a $15,000 boost from the United Methodist Church's
Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference.

Conference Bishop Felton E. May presented the gift during the April 3-4
meeting of the university's board of directors, in response to a request for
seed money for the new Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance. 

May, vice chairman of the board, highlighted the importance of the
university's work to contribute to a culture of peace, good governance,
security and socioeconomic development.  

"In partnership with Africa University and the Zimbabwe annual conferences,
the Baltimore-Washington Conference shares the dreams of peace with justice
for all of God's people in Africa," he said. "We believe that the Institute
of Peace, Leadership and Governance is long overdue in its establishment. I
pray that those persons trained at the institute will truly become agents of
reconciliation and peace."

So far, a total of 251 participants from 17 countries, including Papua New
Guinea and Indonesia, have attended the institute's workshops. Emergency and
disaster response workers who trained at the university are providing
assistance in areas throughout Africa affected by drought or war.

"The gift comes at a critical time as we move toward the launch of the
institute next year," said Professor Rukudzo Murapa, Africa University's
vice chancellor. "This support will assist with the inaugural meeting of the
institute's advisory board of trustees." 

Next January, the United Methodist-related university will launch the
master's program at the institute. In addition to conventional academic
course work, the institute will also run workshops, conferences and retreats
for leaders, professionals and others from the public and private sectors.
# # #
* Hughes, a staff member of United Methodist Communications, is Africa
University's interim director of information.  

United Methodist News Service
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