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Atlanta professor to direct music at '04 General Conference

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.ORG>
Date Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:27:41 -0500

April 11, 2002  News media contact: M. Garlinda
Burton7(615)742-51027Nashville, Tenn.  10-71BP{157}

NOTE: A photograph of the Rev. Barbara Day Miller will be available.

FORT WORTH, Texas (UMNS) - The Rev. Barbara Day Miller, assistant dean of
worship at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, has
been named music director for the 2004 General Conference.

Miller, also lecturer of liturgical practices at the United
Methodist-related theological school, was selected April 11 by the
Commission on the General Conference, the churchwide panel that plans the
denomination's top legislative gathering.

The General Conference, which meets every four years, is a two-week assembly
of 1,000 delegates from around the world who gather to set church policies
and make pronouncements on social and moral issues of the day. General
Conference is the only organization that speaks for the United Methodist
Church. The 2004 session will be April 26 to May 7 in Pittsburgh.

As music director, Miller will oversee liturgy and music throughout the
assembly, including inviting choirs and worship groups from across the
church to participate.

Miller, who was selected from 11 candidates, has been music coordinator of
several regional, national and international United Methodist gatherings,
including the international clergywomen's consultation held in January in
San Diego. She was founding director of the North Georgia Conference Youth
Choir, which performed at the 2000 General Conference, and is slated to lead
worship at an international convocation of United Methodist deacons in March

She was a delegate to the 1996 General Conference and Southeastern
Jurisdictional Conference, and represented the United Methodist Church as a
delegate to the 1996 World Methodist Conference in Rio de Janeiro.

Miller has degrees from Illinois Wesleyan University and Candler School of

Another Atlanta area deacon, the Rev. Cynthia A. Wilson-Hollins of Ben Hill
United Methodist Church, served as music director for the 2000 General
Conference in Cleveland and co-director of music for the 1996 assembly in
# # #

United Methodist News Service
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