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Episcopalians: Episcopal publications receive top awards from Associated Church Press
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 14:01:16 -0400 (EDT)
April 13, 2002
Episcopalians: Episcopal publications receive top awards from
Associated Church Press
by James Solheim
(ENS) Episcopal publications received many of the top awards
from the Associated Church Press at the annual meeting at a
Baptist retreat center near Birmingham, Alabama, April 7-10.
Episcopal Life received a total of 11 awards,
including the top award "best in class" in the category for
national and international newspapers. Also receiving first
place awards were the Witness magazine, the Episcopal
New Yorker, and Hi-Lites, a newsletter for St.
Francis Academy in Salina, Kansas.
Anglican Advance (Diocese of Chicago) and Episcopal
News Service received second place awards for "best in class."
The other awards for Episcopal Life included Awards of
Excellence (first place) for front page, and humor for a cartoon
and Awards of Merit (second place) theme issue,
devotional/inspirational article, newspaper graphics and several
honorable mentions.
In addition to its award as the top newsletter,
Hi-Lites received Awards of Excellence in the categories
for departments, graphics and a theme issue, as well as Awards
of Merit for a news story, in-depth coverage and a column.
The Witness magazine received an Award of Excellence
for a cover, Awards of Merit for its critical review section and
for a feature article.
In addition to placing first as a regional newspaper, the
Episcopal New Yorker (Diocese of New York) received an
Award of Excellence for an interview and several honorable
mentions. The Central Florida Episcopalian and
Cathedral Age (Washington National Cathedral) received
Awards of Excellence for photography. Anglican Advance
was given an Award of Excellence for a column and ENS received
an Award of Excellence for a news story.
The Anglican Journal of Canada received an Award of
Merit in the category for departments.
The contest drew 1,207 entries from 87 publications in the
ACP, an 86-year-old professional association of 175 members with
a combined circulation of over 28 million. (Complete results
available at
First amendment doomed?
In his provocative keynote on "The Religious Press in the
Public Square," Charles Overby, chairman of the Freedom
Foundation, said that the First Amendment of the Constitution
"is in trouble--and that means you are in trouble."
He called the First Amendment "a very fragile document--and
there is nothing like it anywhere else in the world." Yet he
said that "it will not survive this century unless the public is
educated." Recent polls done for the Freedom Foundation, an
independent foundation dedicated to the First Amendment and
media issues, reveal that many Americans are objecting to what
they perceive as "unbridled freedoms," expressing a willingness
to give up some basic freedoms for more security. For example,
almost 40 percent say that the First Amendment goes too
far--double the percentage of the previous year.
"We have our work cut out for us," Overby said when 46
percent of Americans think that the press has too much freedom.
"That should be sobering to all journalists." He said that
America is the most religiously diverse nation of earth with
over 3,000 recognized religious groups. "Yet many insist that we
are a Christian nation."
He said that the Freedom Forum is convinced that it is
important to teach about religion and its role in the life of
the nation but is opposed to prayer in public schools or posting
the Ten Commandments in government buildings, regarding them as
attempts to "secularize" religion. "We don't need our government
to tell us what to do in the realm of religion," he said. He
challenged the church communicators to be more diligent in
exploring the issues, using their considerable influence in more
effective ways. "Your job is more important than it has been
beforeeven though it is being minimized by many religious
leaders," he added. Too often those leaders are "confused about
the issues--they need more light and less heat."
An American sicknessThe struggle for civil rights in
Birmingham was addressed by several speakers at the convention.
"Most people remember Bombingham--Bull Conner and firehouses,
dogs attacking kids. And that's part of our history," said Bob
Terry, president of the ACP in his introduction for Dr. Odessa
Woolfolk, a veteran of the civil rights struggle and a founder
of the Civil Rights Institute in downtown Birmingham.
"Alabama is a much better place than most people think," she
said in arguing that the story in Birmingham has its own set of
villains and heroes. The problem was that "good people were
silent and bad people took over" yet she said that Birmingham
was "a city of perpetual promise," a city where "race has always
been an issue." As long as blacks stayed in their place, there
was no problem, she noted.
In his famous Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther
King, Jr. talked about how slow the churches were to respond to
the situation. Many local clergy were opposed to his non-violent
approach to change.
Today, Woolfolk said, there is "more interracial dialogue
than just about anywhere else in America. We are willing to
talk about racial justice and how we can live together.
Birmingham is like the rest of America now, trying to wrestle
with the same issues," she said. Although the situation has
changed for the better, "racial inequality is still an American
--James Solheim is director of Episcopal News Service.
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