From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Anglican Primates' 24 April 2002 Action Plan
Worldwide Faith News <>
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:08:55 -0700
ACNS 2970 - PRIMATES' MEETING - 24 April 2002
Action Plan
1. Intensive, co-ordinated Communion-wide strategy to continue, centring on
a six-fold response: Prevention; Pastoral Care; Counselling; Care; Ministry
to the dying; Leadership-Resource mobilisation
2. The Churches of the Anglican Communion are encouraged to observe World
AIDS Day (1 December) as a day of prayer, fasting and resource sharing for
those living with HIV/AIDS.
Theological Education
A small strategic planning group will be established as soon as possible to
initiate, guide and oversee the work of the specialist task groups
identified in the report of the special working party on theological
education, listed below.
a. Learning outcomes
b. Core curriculum
c. Resource sharing and the use of the internet
d. Continuing education for bishops
Unity of the Communion
1. Following the report with the findings of the conference of legal
advisors of the Anglican Communion, a request will be made to ACC-12 to
facilitate the establishment of a network of legal advisors.
2. A think tank was proposed to do some further work exploring the
possibilities, within the inherited legal framework of our tradition, of
non-geographic networks within our geographically structured dioceses and
the appropriateness of such specific ministry networks transcending diocesan
boundaries. A first step will include seeking an explanatory note from
Archbishop Williams on the understanding of the possible parallels with
"religious orders."
Christian-Muslim Relations
Names of suitably qualified Anglican scholars from around the Communion to
be forwarded to the Archbishop of Canterbury for consideration as
participants in the ongoing dialogue with al-Azhar al-Sharif.
Poverty/Trade - continuing from 2001
A working party to be formed to consider -advocacy goals, objectives and
strategies related to the issue of intellectual property rights.-concerted
and sustained action by existing networks and coalitions, such as the Peace
and Justice Network of the Communion, and the World Faiths Development
Dialogue, on issues of global debt, poverty and trade, in the face of
possible loss of momentum and fragmentation following the Jubilee 2000
campaign.- ways to enable the Churches of the Communion to respond to the
challenge contained in of the Lambeth Conference resolution I.15 to fund
international development programmes, recognised by provinces, at a level of
at least 0.7% of annual total diocesan income. -ways to provide presence and
voice for the poor and their concerns through protest.
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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