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Episcopalians: Religion reporters say sparkling grains hide in dull stained glass
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 16:34:33 -0400 (EDT)
April 29, 2002
Episcopalians: Religion reporters say sparkling grains hide
in dull stained glass
by Debra Wagner
(ENS) It won't surprise many Episcopalians that when top
religion reporters, online producers, and academicians get
together to talk about religion and the media, the institutional
church is often seen as an impediment to an interesting story.
So when Auburn Theological Seminary, CrossCurrents
magazine, and Princeton Theological Seminary brought together a
top flight panel of speakers for "Behind the Stained Glass:
Religion and Media in the 21st Century," on April 24-25 in New
York, religion as part of an individual life emerged as the
topic that draws and keeps readers.
"Institutions are soulless," said William Bell, religion
reporter for the New York Daily News. "If the
denominational press can't cover fully, fairly, and accurately a
particular topic, they can't expect us to do their job."
The founder of Beliefnet again reinforced this disdain for
the institutional church. "Previously, there was too much
reporting on institutions and not enough on individuals," said
Steve Waldman, Beliefnet's founder. "If my religion producer
asked to go to the Methodist Conference I would say no--we need
to use our resources for something relevant to people's lives."
Relevant to Beliefnet means interaction. The online
experience allows for reading a story, posting to a discussion
board, listening to a prayer, and pondering a meditation. "Our
visitors are questioning basic Christianity," said Deborah
Caldwell, former Dallas Morning News religion reporter
and now senior producer at Beliefnet. "Who cares about
Although Beliefnet filed in bankruptcy court last week, 150
million people visit the site per month, posting 130,000
messages each day and making it the largest interfaith dialogue
online. Over five million people each day receive one of their
nine newsletters.
What's news in religion?
The conversation at the seminar also included ways to
understand what constitutes a news story.
Gustav Niebuhr, a religion writer for 16 years--including 7 =
years at the New York Times--and now teaching at
Princeton University while writing a book, revealed his
approach. He surfed denominational websites weekly for
background but kept his ear to the ground for a good story about
an individual.
"A good story is catholic with a small-city approach," he said.
Bell based his advice on pleasing his readership, which is blue
collar and highly ethnic. "A story pitch is not a laundry
list--it's one specific idea," he said. "I build to the pews and
need to explain the story on a pew level."
Public faith, private doubt
And those in the pews are learning about religion in the privacy
of their own homes. Steve Waldman of Beliefnet explains,
"Religion sites are like porn sites. People come in droves
because in print or in church they risk being seen as doubters.
The internet allows them to search in privacy."
Privacy also allows visitors to read controversial authors
within their own denominations. Based on numbers of postings,
the most popular Beliefnet columnist is the Rt. Rev. Jack Spong,
former bishop of Newark. (Apparently, he has a conservative
following that follow his postings closely.)
In addition to the internet, the cult of personality runs strong
with religion reporters.
"Cardinal O'Connor stole the show and Protestants still haven't
recovered," said Ari Goldman, tenured professor at Columbia's
School of Journalism and former religion reporter for the New
York Times. Although he admitted that he covered elephants
going up the steps of the Cathedral of St. John and quoted the
now-retired Episcopal bishop of New York, the Rt. Rev. Paul
Moore because of his "moral authority," he was clearly taken by
the now-deceased cardinal of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
New York.
"[Cardinal John] O'Connor couldn't pass a mike without making
some comment that went straight to the average New Yorker--no
matter what faith," continued Goldman. "Reporters eagerly
covered his sermons every Sunday because he commented on world
events in a way that engaged the individual."
Mainline lacks presence in new media
Personalities are much easier to report than complex issues that
face denominations.
"Mainline denominations are in a financial and identity crises,"
said Charles P. Henderson, Jr. executive director of the
Association for Religion and Intellectual Life (ARIL). "They
have not stepped up to the plate to create a presence in new
media that is reaching thousands of people.
Where is the liberal mainline Protestant voice?
"A committee statement is not a story," said Mark Silk, director
of the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in
Public Life at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. "Mainline
Protestants are reluctant to put forward an individual."
In addition editors are reluctant to antagonize readers. Silk
cited several instances when the New York Times missed
breaking stories because they "would have offended Catholic
"The New York Times was late in reporting on the current
story that is rocking the Roman Catholic Church. In the 1980's
the Times> watched as the New York Post broke the
Covenant House scandal. And no New York paper ever recorded the
sexuality of Father Mychal Judge after his tragic death at the
World Trade Center."
It is safer then for the media to focus on the individual rather
than the institution. It appears to be a working compromise, as
readers and internet surfers make clear with their wallets and
--Debra Wagner is director of communications for the Seamen's
Church Institute of New York & New Jersey.
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