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Episcopalians: Middle East Forum meets in Washington to review peace efforts

Date Fri, 10 May 2002 16:27:00 -0400 (EDT)

May 10, 2002


Episcopalians: Middle East Forum meets in Washington to 
review peace efforts

by James Solheim

(ENS) While Congress was passing resolutions endorsing Israeli 
incursions into Palestinian territories and brushing aside 
objections from the Bush administration that such actions could 
undermine diplomatic efforts, church leaders meeting a few 
blocks away were hearing a very different kind of message.

Philip Wilcox, former consul general in East Jerusalem and 
U.S. State Department expert on counter-terrorism, told 
participants in the Middle East Forum that the relations between 
the United States and Israel are "immensely complex," based on a 
very close bond that is the product of culture and history--and 
some strong emotional commitments.

The forum is comprised of representatives from churches and 
church organizations who carry responsibility for shaping policy 
and strategies for a peaceful resolution to the Middle East 
conflict. About 125 attended the May 2-3 meeting in Washington, 

Wilcox sketched the deep frustration among Palestinians who 
assumed that the Oslo Accords of 1993 would produce a state. 
After Oslo, Israel continued to build settlements, regarded by 
many as an obstacle to any peace settlement or the emergence of 
a viable, contiguous Palestinian state.

As the violence escalated, Wilcox said that the U.S. made it 
clear that terrorism was an unacceptable political weapon, 
avoiding any consideration of violence as the symptom of deeper 
problems. He said that the so-called "generous" Israeli proposal 
at Camp David, in the final days of the Clinton administration, 
was "a proposal for Palestinian surrender" because the result 
would be a state on 42 percent of the land in the West Bank and 
Gaza, surrounded by Israeli settlements.

Addressing the causes of violence

But Arafat made an error in not trying to control the 
violence, Wilcox said, probably because he thought it was "a 
winning strategy." He alienated moderates and strengthened the 
hard-liners in Israel. Arafat did not have the kind of consensus 
that would allow him to crack down without some incentive.

"American policy was shortsighted in not addressing the 
causes, resulting in unbalanced policy," he added. And the Arab 
nations in the region got nervous because street demonstrations 
against Israeli actions threatened their stability.

Arafat was released from his compound in the West Bank city 
of Ramallah as the Middle East Forum convened, but Wilcox 
cautioned against an optimistic interpretation since "Israel 
still remains on the scene exercising control." He said that the 
Bush policy is still "a work in progress." Some are convinced 
that it is crucial to crush those who promote terrorism while 
others argue that it is also important to deal with the root 
causes of that terrorism.

Wilcox said that the conflict won't be resolved until there 
is "substantial change in public opinion on both sides of the 
conflict." The fear of the Israelis, and the despair of the 
Palestinians, have led to hardened positions where both sides 
seem to think that violence, not diplomacy, is the answer. "A 
vision of peace among Palestinians could help them see that 
violence is not in their best interests--and it would encourage 
Arafat to curb the violence," he said. "A bold stroke by the 
United States is needed--but there is no sign that we are ready 
for that." And Arafat won't be the enforcer for the Israelis 
"unless there is a reward." In response to a question, Wilcox 
said that United Nations resolutions provide the legal framework 
for peace but neither the U.S. nor Israel is likely to allow the 
United Nations to play a major role.

Jewish peace activists offer perspective

Two Jewish peace activists offered a different perspective. 
Louis Roth of Americans for Peace Now said that his organization 
provides a "pro-Israeli, Zionist perspective," not as a human 
rights organization but one that "tries to provide some 
strategic options for Israel." He warned that it would take 
"patience and education" to end the conflict, adding that "it is 
hard to understand the dynamics" that are at play.

Roth said that the recent spate of terrorism has pushed peace 
advocates to the right, both in the U.S. and Israel. "The center 
has shifted" and Arafat "has no credibility at all among Jews so 
they dismiss the negotiating process as an option. Because 
Israel feels that it is isolated and threatened, and it is 
focused on security, there is little talk of a peace process." 
Yet he noted that the polls in Israel still show strong support 
for a two-state solution and dismantling some of the 
settlements. "There is a deep schizophrenia in Israeli public 

Roth is convinced that "engagement is the only intelligent 
option" and promoting the political process is the best way of 
helping both sides. The test is whether the Bush administration 
will "stay in the game," Roth said.

Administration regards Arafat as the problem

A delegation from the Middle East Forum met with John Hannah, 
deputy assistant for national security affairs and a chief 
advisor on Middle East issues for Vice President Dick Cheney. 
Emphasizing that the conflict is a "terribly tragic and 
frustrating situation," he said that the vice president returned 
from his recent visit to the region convinced that the U.S. must 
play a role, with the help of the international community.

Hannah said that the administration supports Israel's right 
to self-defense while recognizing that there is no military 
solution to the conflict. He added that the vice president is an 
advocate of developing cooperation among the Arab nations in 
seeking a resolution.

Pointing out that President George W. Bush is the first 
American president to endorse the creation of a Palestinian 
state as a matter of policy, Hannah said that the U.S. would not 
participate in the creation of a terrorist Palestinian state. 
"We have an absolute dedication to peace and we are willing to 
take risks for peace."

"There has been ample opportunity for Arafat to step forward 
and provide leadership but he has repeatedly failed to do so," 
said Hannah. "Arafat has never had the trust of Bush" and the 
U.S. had "made a lot of efforts without any response from Arafat 
except more violence." He said that the Arab states can be 
helpful, adding that the Arabs are saying that, if there is not 
a dependable Israeli partner in seeking peace, "show us a 
dependable American partner."

Israeli policy against Palestinian state

"Things are changing by the hour--usually not for the better 
but this is where the battle must be fought--in the United 
States, in Congress," said Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee 
Against House Demolitions.

Halper said that "Israel wants to control the Occupied 
Territories forever." He argued that "Israel is looking for 
occupation by consent" by creating a mini-state or bantustan (a 
key element in South Africa's apartheid regime control over the 
black population). "This is the common agenda of Israel."

Halper said that "a viable and sovereign Palestinian state 
was never in the cards. There is no toleration at all for an 
independent Palestinian state in the heart of Israel." He 
displayed maps to demonstrate his point that "Israel's 
occupation is subtle" but based on complete control of the 
region. The administrative levels of control, with its permits 
and regulations, determine where Palestinians can live and work, 
"even what you can plant in your garden." He described it as "a 
thick web of controls laid over the Palestinians every day."

Israel denies it is occupying the territories, Halper added, 
and therefore it is not subject to the Fourth Geneva Convention 
because "it is not one sovereign power occupying another 
sovereign country." They are administered territories, in the 
opinion of Israel, and therefore "no accountability is 
necessary." And the administrative layers of control deflect the 
political issues and create "facts on the ground."

The only issue for the Israelis, Halper said, is how large 
the bantustans should be, how much it will take to get rid of 
the Palestinians. He compared the situation to a prison where 
controls can be applied without using much actual space of the 
prison. "Israel can cut the economic heart out of a Palestinian 
state by controlling the borders, the air space, 
water--permitting no freedom of movement."

Halper said that Israel is convinced it has "won" with its 
incursions into the West Bank, smashing the infrastructure that 
it says spawn terrorism, making it impossible to resist any 
more. For example, in Ramallah the Israeli Defense Force 
destroyed the civil infrastructure, making it impossible for the 
Palestinians to administer the region. 

Israel also thinks it has won the war politically, Halper 
said. American support, especially the support of Congress, is 
"Israel's trump card," allowing it to "thumb its nose at 
everyone." As members of the forum prepared to meet with members 
of Congress, Halper urged them to stress that a just peace is 
the best interests of all parties. 

Personal testimonies

"All violence is wrong because it doesn't promote 
transformation or bring newness of life," said Jean Zaru of 
Ramallah, who described herself as "a Palestinian Quaker, 
pacifist and peace activist." In her emotional testimony, she 
said that she is finding it difficult "to be sensitive to people 
who are insensitive to my existence."

Zaru said that right-wing Christians regard other Christians 
as obstacles to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies about 
Israel's claims to the Holy Land. "Don't be intimidated from 
telling them the truth--you have as much to lose as we do."

In her "cry of grief," she also urged American Christians to 
"penetrate the numbness of history," arguing that "the truth is 
one of the pillars in our search for peace." She added that 
"there is much that people must unlearn. We must work together 
to heal the past."

The Rev. Robert Edgar, general secretary of the National 
Council of Churches, reported on the recent 
trip of religious leaders to Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, 
Israel and West Bank. He described the group's participation in 
delivering food supplies to the Jenin refugee camp where recent 
incursions by Israeli forces created a great deal of damage and 
loss of life. He said that many of the refugees were now 
refugees all over again.

In conversations with the president of Syria and the king of 
Jordan, the group left with a "sliver of hope" because the role 
of a faith-based accompaniment program received support. Edgar, 
a former six-term member of Congress, said that "we need to 
learn to lobby."

Most participants in the Middle East Forum did exactly that, 
spending the final day in meetings with their senators and 
representatives, talking with legislative aides, and 
articulating their concerns for the peace efforts . The 
appointments came the day after both houses overwhelmingly 
approved non-binding resolutions supporting the recent actions 
of the Israeli government.

During debriefing sessions following the legislative 
appointments, many participants reported that senators and 
representatives claimed to have voted for the measure without 
enthusiasm, recognizing that their Arab-American constituents 
are increasingly vocal.

Those making visits on the Hill also noted that in the wake 
of the post-September 11 anthrax scare the Congressional mail 
rooms are running very slow and that elected officials reported 
such volumes of both faxes and emails that messages from 
constituents often go unread. Legislative aides urged the 
members of the Middle East Forum to communicate by telephone 
calls and seek follow-up appointments within their home 

The appointments with members of Congress were preceded by 
briefings organized by Corinne Whitlatch, director of Churches 
for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and followed by the debriefings 
under the leadership of Anna Rhee and James Wetekam. Rhee 
directs the CMEP grass roots program and Wetekam heads the 
group's media project.


--James Solheim is director of Episcopal News Service and 
covered the Middle East Forum meetings. J. Martin Bailey 
contributed to this report.

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