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NCC Young Adult Ministry Event, May 24-26, San Diego
"Nat'l Council of Churches" <>
Wed, 22 May 2002 09:09:35 -0400
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
May 24-26, 2002, Come to the Feast, San Diego, Calif.
A Gathering to Inspire and Renew Young Adult Ministry
An event for young adults and those who work with them, sponsored by the
Young Adult Ministry Team of the National Council of Churches.
Keynote Speaker: Rodger Y. Nishioka, Associate Professor of Christian
Education, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Ga. Author of Sowing the
Seed, Rooted in Love and The Roots of Who We Are, he currently is
researching what attracts young adults to the church.
The event also includes workshops on How to Build Young Adult Ministries,
Social Justice Issues, Ecumenical and Interfaith Learning and
Spirituality and Self-Care; worship, small groups and gathering times by
region and denomination.
This is the third biennial NCC-sponsored young adult ministry event. The
first drew 250 to Atlanta in 1998; the second, more than 300 to Chicago in
2000. More than 200 are expected at this years event. Come to the Feast
is a key element in the NCC Young Adult Ministry Teams work to enrich young
adult ministry in the churches.
Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California
The Main Event begins at 6:00 pm on May 24 with registration at 3:00
pm-pre-events May 24 include a workshop for young adult clergy and service
Come to the Feast is sponsored by the Young Adult Ministry Team of the
National Council of Churches. The team includes both denominational staff
persons and young adult constituents from the American Baptist Churches in
the U.S.A., Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The Episcopal Church,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ and United
Methodist Church.
Contacts/More Info: NCC News, 212-870-2252/2227;
On Site (May 22-26): Joe Leonard, NCC Staff, (mobile) 610-608-7622)
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