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Thousands of Lutheran Women Will Meet in Philadelphia July 8-14

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Thu, 23 May 2002 16:25:24 -0500


May 23, 2002


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) will meet for its Fifth Triennial Gathering July 8-14 at
the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia.  The gathering will
bring together thousands of participants who will explore the theme
"Listen, God is Calling" through worship, presentations, Bible studies,
workshops, field trips and business meetings.
     "Triennial Gathering celebrates, equips and inspires women for
growth in faith and ministry around the world, across the street and in
daily life at home, work and play," said Catherine I.H. Braasch,
executive director of Women of the ELCA.  Braasch said, based on the
latest registration figures, some 3,200 women and girls from the United
States, Caribbean and other parts of the world are expected to attend.
     Family, leadership development, spirituality and stewardship are
four priorities that will be introduced and examined at the Triennial
Gathering.  The priorities will guide the development of resources and
programs by the women's organization staff within the context of the
Women of the ELCA's purpose statement and new mission statement "to
mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ."
     "Year in, year out, Women of the ELCA ministries have focused on
the whole of women's lives.  The theme, 'Listen, God is Calling' applies
to the whole of women's lives," Braasch said.
     "During these days together, we'll focus on prayer, praise and
preparation for a variety of ministries in daily life.  Worship and
Bible study are the foundations for each day.  Gathering-goers will
build their schedules by choosing workshops, learning about creative
ministries in and around Philadelphia, and international participants.
Participants will also give back to the host community and across the
church with their offering of self, time and possessions," she said.
     Each day of the gathering will begin and end in "mass gathering,"
where thousands of women will engage in Bible study, worship and
     Featured speakers include Christine Grumm, executive director,
Women's Funding Network, an international association of women's and
girl's funds and foundations, and Dr. Pauline Riak, executive director,
Sudanese Women's Association in Nairobi (SWAN).  SWAN brings together
displaced Sudanese women from various ethnic, political, religious and
linguistic backgrounds. Grumm will speak on July 10 and Riak on July 11.
     Bible studies will be led by three of the ELCA's five female
bishops.  They are the Rev. Andrea DeGroot Nesdahl, bishop of the ELCA
South Dakota Synod, Sioux Falls, the Rev. April Ulring Larson, bishop of
the ELCA LaCrosse Area Synod, LaCrosse, Wis., and the Rev. Margaret G.
Payne, bishop of the ELCA New England Synod, Worcester, Mass.   There
are 65 synod bishops in the ELCA.
     Hundreds of delegates from the 64 synodical women's organizations
across the United States and Caribbean will elect a new president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer and 17 members to the churchwide
executive board.  Other business will include consideration of a budget
for the year 2003, constitutional changes, recommendations from the
executive board on topics and issues related to women and children, and
memorials from the synodical women's organizations.  Memorials are
issues that synodical organizations have requested be discussed at the
convention.  The convention is Women of the ELCA's highest legislative
     Women of the ELCA has more than 7,800 "local units in
congregations" and "institutional settings" across the United States and
     Participants are encouraged to bring "in-kind gifts" -- tangible
gifts other than money -- to the gathering.  Suggested offerings include
books and school supplies for children, personal hygiene items and gift
certificates for women living in poverty.
     A key component of the gathering is "what has become known as
Without Walls," said Doris Strieter, program director, global education
and advocacy, Women of the ELCA.
     Convention Without Walls "is an opportunity for women to move
beyond the convention center into the surrounding Philadelphia
community," Strieter said.  "It is intended to help participants
understand in depth the variety of ways in which people and
organizations in the Philadelphia area respond to God's call through
direct service, empowerment or working for systematic change, and it
provides an opportunity for participants to experience the many types of
Christian service in ways that are experiential, engaging and hands-on,"
she said.
     Convention Without Walls is offered in three tracks: "Hearing
God's Call: Growing in faith and wisdom," "Experiencing God's Call:
Learning how to build healthy families and communities," and "Living
God's Call: Using gifts and skills in service to neighbor."
     More than 35 workshops will be offered to explore the theme
"Listen, God is Calling."  Participants can choose from workshops that
will follow three tracks: "Hear God's Call," "Respond to God's Call" and
"Recognize Your Gifts and Enhance Your Skills."  The gathering will also
feature "Unity Village," an interactive exhibit area designed to offer
participants information about Women of the ELCA programs and resources.
     Planned by "young women for women" and others who support young
women's ministries, "Young Women Seeing Visions" is a special track
during the Triennial Gathering.  This first-time program provides "space
to explore and nurture one's spirituality," said Dianha Ortega,
associate director for youth leadership and spiritual formation, ELCA
Division for Congregational Ministries.  Although no age limit is set,
women 30 years old and younger will have first registration priority.
     "Way-Making Women: A Way To Unity" will precede the gathering July
8-10 in Philadelphia.  Open to all women, this gathering focuses on the
"gifts of women of color," exploring how their culture and gifts
contribute to Women of the ELCA's mission and ministry.  It will feature
worship, Bible study, community gatherings, networking and workshops.
     On July 10, five all-day seminars will be offered at the
Philadelphia Convention Center.  The seminars are "Witness of Women,"
advanced leadership training, perspectives of the "differently abled,"
global education and advocacy, and organizational self-assessment.
-- -- --
     Information about Women of the ELCA Fifth Triennial Gathering is
maintained at on the ELCA's Web site.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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