From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Neglected Taiwan Area Gets Resource Center
Worldwide Faith News <>
Thu, 23 May 2002 20:48:06 -0700
Taiwan Church News 2617, April 28, 2002
Reported by Wang Yi-shih, Written by David Alexander
Residents of Taiwan's breadbasket region, from Chang Hwa
County southwards through the northern parts of Tainan County,
think of themselves as under served and ignored by both
government and church, which have concentrated resources
in the large urban centers of Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and
Kaohsiung. On April 20th the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
(PCT) took a step to redress some of the imbalance by opening
a church education resource center in Chia-Yi City dedicated
to offering assistance to rural churches. The center will offer
consultative and training services for Sunday School teaching,
including a human resources bank and a library.
Consultation on church library development, classroom
design and program implementation will also be part of the
center's work.
General Assembly Education secretary, the Rev. Ms. Chelsea
Chiou, said, "We hope the center will be a great service to
in Chang Hwa, Yuan Lin, Chia Yi and Tainan Counties." Until
the end of June, the center will be open Saturdays and Sundays.
After that time better staffing will have it open more.
For More Information: Rev. Chelsea Chiou
TEL: 0918 465 557
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