From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Board for New Magazine Elected
"Communication Ministries" <>
Fri, 24 May 2002 14:5:2 -0500
Date: May 24, 2002
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Melinda Mains
on the Web:
DisciplesWorld Contact: James C. Suggs
INDIANAPOLIS, May 22, 2002 -- A 12-member board of
directors has been elected for the non-profit corporation
that is publishing a new international magazine for the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
The board, which will take office June 1, will guide
business affairs and select the publisher-editor for
DisciplesWorld, a "journal of news, opinion and mission."
While its first two issues, April and May, were being
produced and distributed, the magazine's subscription list
grew from zero to approximately 8,000 in less than three
A board comprised of six men and six women, half of them
ordained ministers, was announced by James R. Reed of
Indianapolis, chairperson of the initial three-member board
that also has included James C. Suggs of Carlsbad, Calif.,
president and startup publisher, and Robert L. Friedly of
Indianapolis, secretary and vice-president, and startup
Additions to the board are Angela A. Choi of Northbrook,
Ill., a high school English teacher; Kristine A. Culp of
Chicago, dean of the Disciples Divinity House of the
University of Chicago; D. Duane Cummins of Swanton, Md.,
recently retired president of Bethany (W.Va.) College; and
Robert N. Harry of Oklahoma City, board chairperson of
Harry Mortgage Co.
Also Tina Jackson of Washington, D.C., an educator; Ronald
L. Parker of Denver, Colo., regional minister of the
Disciples' Central Rocky Mountain Region; Ruthie Pereira of
Beverly Hills, a publicist in the entertainment industry;
Susan Shadburne, senior minister of Downey Avenue Christian
Church in Indianapolis; and Sondra Stalcup of Dallas,
Texas, an adjunct professor in the religion department of
Texas Christian University.
In its first meeting in June, the enlarged board will
adopt a budget for DisciplesWorld, Inc., devise a procedure
for choosing the magazine's permanent publisher-editor and
discuss the corporation's plans for becoming a "recognized
organization" of the church.
DisciplesWorld was started with leadership from Suggs and
Friedly to fill a communications void produced when
publication of the denomination's only general magazine,
The Disciple, was "suspended" this winter. Unpaid staff
members, most of them retired executives of church units,
are expected to continue to hold key positions for several
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