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LCMS: Series of Theological Conferences set for Fall 2002

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Fri, 24 May 2002 18:34:54 -0700

The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Board for Communication Services

LCMSNews -- No. 29
May 24, 2002

CTCR, COP endorse
plan for conferences

The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod's Commission on Theology and Church 
Relations and Council of Presidents have unanimously endorsed a plan for a 
series of theological conferences throughout the Synod, to begin this fall.

The plan was developed by a joint CTCR-COP committee in response to Synod 
President Gerald Kieschnick's call last fall for such gatherings.

"I believe that conferences such as these could help fulfill my vision of a 
day in our Synod when disagreements in doctrine and practice are discussed 
in a spirit of collegial trust, mutual respect and Christian love," 
Kieschnick said when he made the assignment.

CTCR Executive Director Samuel H. Nafzger said that the first conference 
will be a "model conference" intended to set the tone and to train planners 
and facilitators for district conferences to follow.

Participants will be selected by the districts, with 120 to 150 expected 
for the model conference, which has been set for Aug. 5-7, most likely in 
Phoenix, he said.

The theme for the Synodwide conferences will be "Conflict, Confession and 
Unity: Addressing Doctrinal Issues Faithfully and Fraternally for the Sake 
of Christ's Mission."

The focus of the model conference and those that follow will be on what 
Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions teach regarding church 
fellowship.  Nafzger said that attention will be given to the section 
titled "Cases of Discretion" in "The Lutheran Understanding of Church 
Fellowship: A Report on Synodical Discussions."  That document was 
commended to the Synod by last year's Synod convention "for continued use 
and guidance."

Facilitator for the model conference will be Ted Kober, a member of the 
Synod's Board of Directors who also is director of training for Peacemaker 
Ministries, Billings, Mont.  The stated mission of Kober's organization is 
"equipping and assisting Christians to respond to conflict Biblically."

When he asked the CTCR to work with the COP on such conferences, Kieschnick 
said he envisioned them featuring "round-table discussion around issues of 
current theological import."  Much conference time has been set aside for 
such discussions, Nafzger said.  To get those started, three or four 
speakers will represent differing positions on the church fellowship issue, 
he said.

The conference also will feature worship, Bible study based on Acts
15, and an opportunity for confession and forgiveness among participants.


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