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WCC Update: WSSD
"Sheila Mesa" <>
Mon, 27 May 2002 11:30:42 +0200
World Council of Churches
Update 02-15
For Immediate Use
27 May 2002
'Another world is possible'
Ecumenical team maintains critical stance for Fourth
(Ministerial) Session of the Preparatory Committee for the World
Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Bali, Indonesia, 27
May-7 June.
cf WCC Press Release PR-02-04 of 29 January 2002
An ecumenical team of more than 15 persons from member churches
of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and associated ecumenical
organizations will attend the 4th Preparatory Committee (PrepCom)
to be held in Bali, Indonesia.
The ecumenical team maintains its criticism of the "Chairman's
Text" which will be tabled for negotiation at the PrepCom. "The
Chairman's Text does not address the ethical challenges of
sustainability," says Wendy Flannery from the Sisters of Mercy.
"The current version emphasizes the role of trade, investment and
partnerships with business for sustainable development. But there
is strong and growing evidence that the conventional
growth-oriented economic model contributes more to poverty and
environmental destruction than to just and lasting solutions for
the majority of the world's population. Many of the proposals in
the text lack the urgency and specificity that could be provided
by agreed timetables for implementation," she says.
One significant omission in the text is lack of recognition of
the major impact of militarism as a factor in undermining
sustainable communities, according to the ecumenical team.
Massive amounts of financial, natural and human resources are
used for arms production and acquisition, reducing what is
available to address poverty and meet development needs. Armed
conflicts are responsible for the worst ecological degradation.
The small arms trade and landmines fuel human and ecological
destruction particularly in local and regional conflicts in
resource-rich areas.
Reservations reflected in the Chairman's Text to full support of
the Kyoto Protocol on the reduction of greenhouse gases
contributing to global warming and climate change are another
alarming sign for the ecumenical team. One of the achievements of
the follow-up to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio is at stake here.
"It is clear that while the impact of climate change is of global
import, it will be greatest on communities that already suffer
poverty and marginalization, e.g., low-lying Small Island
States," says Sr Flannery.
The Chairman's Text also ignores the critical significance of
Indigenous Peoples in relation to the fundamental issues of
sustainable development, says the ecumenical team. Indigenous
Peoples are at the cutting edge of the current crisis. Their
communities are concrete examples of sustainable societies,
historically evolved in diverse ecosystems. Yet today, in a
globalizing world, they are fighting for their very survival. One
clear criterion for the successful implementation of sustainable
development must be actions to secure Indigenous Peoples' rights
and wellbeing.
"The ecumenical team's perspective in the WSSD process is
grounded in a conviction of the sacredness of all creation, and
of life as an interplay of spiritual and physical dimensions,"
says Dr Martin Robra from the "Justice, Peace and Creation" team
of the WCC, a member of the delegation. "While the earth is the
common home for all, until today, rich industrialized countries
use most of the world's resources while the benefits of those
resources are not shared equitably. From an ecological point of
view, the North is deeply indebted to the South. We should speak
more of ecological debt in addition to the call for the
cancellation of foreign debt."
In view of the reality in his country, Sipho Mtetwa of the South
African Council of Churches underlines that "The decisive
question for our involvement in the WSSD is: Who will be the
beneficiaries of the Summit? What will the results be for the
people of Alexandra or Soweto? What does sustainability mean for
them? What is it that has to be sustained? I think of people, of
their sustenance and livelihood."
"Cancellation of foreign debt is one of the requirements that
would lead to more just relationships and would give indebted
countries the space they need to develop better health and
education systems and ecological recovery. We should speak more
of ecological debt, because the economies of the rich
industrialized countries use most of the world's resources, while
the benefits of those resources are not shared equitably", says
For further information contact:
Dr Martin Robra or Sister Wendy Flannery
At the Bali Gardenia Suites, Bali: Tel: +62 361-773 808; fax:
+62 361-773 737
Mobile phone for Dr Robra: +62 812-367-9578
Email: , marked "for attention"
of either Robra or Flanagan.
WCC Media Relations office (Geneva) : Rev Bob Scott : Tel:
41-22-791 6166 or 41-79-304 7612
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of churches,
now 342, in more than 100 countries in all continents from
virtually all Christian traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is
not a member church but works cooperatively with the WCC. The
highest governing body is the assembly, which meets approximately
every seven years. The WCC was formally inaugurated in 1948 in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Its staff is headed by general
secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church in Germany.
World Council of Churches
Media Relations Office
Tel: (41 22) 791 6153 / 791 6421
Fax: (41 22) 798 1346
PO Box 2100
1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
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