From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Taiwan - New Hakka Church Established
Worldwide Faith News <>
Tue, 28 May 2002 13:17:04 -0700
Taiwan Church News 2621, May 26, 2002
Reported by Chang Ruei-ting, Translated and Rewritten by David
Pentecost Sunday in Miao-li saw the opening worship service of
Chia-en Presbyterian Church, a Hakka language congregation. This church
start is the first for the recently organized Hakka District of the
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). Hakkanese Christians from all over
Taiwan gathered to worship, pray, and testify to the grace of God. District
moderator Liou Eng-seng declared the establishment of the new church. He said
it had been opened on Pentecost Sunday to symbolize its dependence on the
power of God rather than on any human agency.
The act brings the total of PCT congregations to 1,216. The
significance of its being a Hakka church lies in the resistance
of the Hakka to evangelization. Chia-en Presbyterian Church is without
a resident minister. Four pastors from the District will serve the church's
preaching needs in rotation. A lay leader, Chiang Teh-shie, will provide
Currently more than 25 people have joined the church's meetings.
For more information: Hakka District
Liou Eng-sheng FAX +886 3 596
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