From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ACNS - Anglican Visit to the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr Tantawry
Worldwide Faith News <>
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 18:01:05 -0700
ACNS 3004 - NORTH AFRICA - 31 May 2002
Visit to the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr Tantawry
On Sunday 26th May 2002: Bishop Roger White, Bishop of Milwaukee Diocese,
Wisconsin, USA; Archdeacon Tom Winslow, of the same diocese; and myself
visited the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr Tantawry.
In his talk, Dr Tantawry mentioned how much he appreciated the Inter-Faith
Dialogue with the Anglican Communion and his close friendship with Dr George
Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury. He looks forward to the development of
this dialogue in the future.
Dr Tantawry appealed to Bishop White that the Episcopal Church in America
should continue to advise Administration in the USA to help and use its
weight to stop violence and help the Palestinians and Israelis to negotiate
a peaceful solution that will end the present injustice and secure a State
for the Palestinians to live in.
Bishop White promised to convey this view which the Episcopal Church
supports wholeheartedly.
There was a very warm and friendly atmosphere to our visit.
The Rt Rev Dr Mouneer H Anis
Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Egypt and North Africa
The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.
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